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Chapter 8 - Impromptu In C-Sharp

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I sighed, flipping the page of my current read before glancing up again, distracted by the sound of an engine. I was comfortably settled on my tummy, propped on my elbows, lounging beneath the shade of a massive oak tree. A checkered picnic blanket was spread beneath me. The air was warmer today and a small breeze tickled my skin.

Two days had come and gone, and I'd spent both of them reading.

Books had always been an escape for me. During the first eighteen years of my life, I would have completely lost it without them. They'd gotten me through the hardest parts of my life. Thank the powers that be for libraries. My school libraries had been more of a home than any real home I'd lived in.

Once again, I found myself turning to them. If I couldn't escape Laurent's manor on my own two feet, then at least I could escape into the pages of a book. I'd already burned through the Nikalia Cohen one Zola gave me, and two others after that. I glanced down, using a bookmark to hold my place.

This was my fourth one, I was nearly finished.

I sat up, settling into a comfortable position. The manor grounds were vast, but I hadn't wanted to stray too far, out of fear, mostly. I'd chosen a place not far from the kitchen. A delivery truck came to a stop at the end of the small gravel drive outside the kitchen door. A driver got out, glanced in my direction, waved, then lifted the truck's back hatch revealing stacks of boxes within.

The kitchen door opened, and Vittorio came out, glancing towards me before greeting the driver. They broke into a conversation, too low to reach my ears. I shifted on the blanket, watching them. A basket sat near my elbow, previously filled with goodies I'd already laid out.

The delivery driver began to unload, piling boxes on a hand truck. He wheeled them into the house. While he was occupied, Vittorio walked over.

"Is everything all right, Miss Shaw?"

"More than all right," I assured him, patting my tummy. "It was delicious."

I'd finished off a plate of small chicken salad tea sandwiches, and the fruit arrangement he'd created in the shape of a flower. All that was left were the brownie bites. Vittorio's eyes flashed over the evidence of my small feast.

"Shall I get you some more iced tea, then?"

"Oh. Yes, please. If it's not too much trouble." I offered him a grin and I swear—I swear—his expression softened just a smidge. He retreated to the house, then returned with a pitcher, refilling my glass. "Thank you again, Vit, for all of this."

"My pleasure, Miss Shaw." He tipped his chin. "If you need anything more, I'll be in the kitchen, unpacking."

I nodded. He retreated, pausing to pay the delivery driver. I watched as the truck's back door was rolled shut. My eyes lingered over it as it backed up, rounding the side of the mansion towards the front drive, then disappeared.

I picked up my book, reading a few more minutes while drinking my iced tea and finishing my brownie bites. Curiosity cut my picnic short. I piled my finished plates back into the basket, stood, and then folded the blanket, placing it neatly on top.

It had been a treat, and a surprise. I'd come out here several times over the past few days. Vittorio had noticed, apparently. At mid-morning, he'd met me with a picnic basket on his arm. I'd been overwhelmed enough that my eyes watered. He'd only warned me to please do not cry, and then handed it over, promising to be along with some iced tea after I was comfortable.

A small smile tugged at my lips as I crossed the grass towards the kitchen door. He'd been doting on me. No one had ever doted on me. It left me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. What a sweet, sweet man.

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