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Chapter 28 - Training

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Laurent was right. I was glad that I'd eaten a protein rich breakfast once Hassan got his hands on me. Sweat dripped along my skin, soaking my T-shirt and workout shorts. Not only did he teach me about the center of gravity, how to find my balance, and how to move gracefully, but he spent an additional hour working out the most crucial self defense tactics for disarming and escape.

Throughout it all, I felt a little embarrassed; I knew absolutely nothing about using my elbows, or freeing myself from someone's grasp. I hadn't realized how defenseless I was. Without my voice, I wouldn't have stood a chance against that demon.

At first, I'd questioned the necessity of it. I was a human against supernaturals, after all. I'd never have the same kind of inhuman strength. Would it even matter?

I said as much.

"It matters a great deal," Hassan countered, pausing our work to stare at me. "You're feeding from Laurent. Vampire blood enhances everything. Why do you think Red Allure is so popular?"—My cheeks flushed. How did he know about me and Laurent? Vittorio. I bet he gossiped and now the whole house knew.—"Given that Laurent's blood is stronger than most vampires, your improved abilities will be that much better. See here? How you moved a few moments ago? That was faster than any human would have."

I hadn't noticed.

"Now, let's begin again."

Hassan was calm, collected, and soft spoken, but he was also firm. He guided me, told me when I wasn't doing something correctly. I enjoyed the way he taught.

It was lunchtime when we finished. We departed the gym—which Zola hadn't shown me on our tour—and emerged through yet another secret door onto the ground floor. Hassan promised we'd do this all over again tomorrow, and pick back up once we reached Flouril.

Vittorio found me when I reached my room. He left my lunch on the table while I showered. Laurent was sitting there when I emerged in a towel. I gasped, nearly dropping it.

Amusement danced across his features, such a contrast from his usual emptiness. "Don't mind me," he said, leaning back, making a show of getting more comfortable at the table. His gaze raked over me.

I glared before disappearing to rummage in my closet. I emerged freshly dressed in a pair of leggings and fitted top. Laurent made a humming sound, sparing me a final glance before helping himself to my food. I pretended to scoff, then took a seat, snatching the plate from him.

"I earned this, thanks," I said, tucking into the veggie stir fry.

"How did it go?" he asked.

"Good, I guess," I said through a mouthful. I told him everything Hassan and I had worked on.

When I finished, we went downstairs. I dropped off the tray and followed Laurent out onto the back lawn. Hassan and Zola waited. "Darling," Zola said, coming over to kiss both cheeks.

I gave her a hug and squeezed extra hard. "Your children are all right?"

"They are recovering, yes. I am sorry that I have been so absent."

"It's okay." I shrugged. "Your children are important to you. They should be your priority."

"All right," Laurent said, slipping on a pair of sunglasses. The others were already wearing theirs. I couldn't help but linger a moment longer over him wearing them. "We're going to test out the limitations of Lily's ability to control us. If possible, help her get better at it. I want her as protected as possible when we reach Flouril. Our rivals will do all they can to undermine this family."

I folded my hands together, twisting my fingers. "Will they try to take me? While I'm there, I mean? Will there be more attempts?"

"Yes." Laurent's eyes met mine and held. "It will be dangerous, but I will not shut you away. I will not hide you from the world. A flower without her sunshine will wither."

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