Chapter 2

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I look out of the window at the green field. It's so beautiful. And there are lots of cows. The smell of fresh land feels so good. We are going to Our village for the wedding. It's been weeks since I talked to that Ahad and after that I did not get a chance. Baji said yes for the marriage. I told her that she should have fight for herself but she just smiled and said that she will be okay with this wedding. If she is agree then what I can say. Baba pushed the car break infront of a tea shop. As my smiled become wide. I forgot to tell you guys about my obsession with tea and biscuit . I mean I can survive only one tea and biscuits.

“ Anyone want tea “ Baba asked as I jumped on my seat, rising my hand quickly.

“ Me ,please “ Baji smiled towards me shaking her head. Baba went to get the tea while Ammi was busy talking to some relatives who are also going us. Well they are not just some relatives they are a lot. Baji elbowed me as I look towards her.

“ If you like tea this much then learn to make it too. One day you will get married and then who will make tea for you “ She said in a teasing way as I smiled.

“ My future husband will make tea for me. “ She laughed. As I roll my eyes at her.
Well why can't a husband make something for wife. He is also responsible don't he.

“ I wish my baby sister get a chief then. “ She squeeze my cheeks as it's her habit. I glare towards her .
“ Baji, right now you are going to marry not me. And to be honest I will not marry someone so early when I don't even know him “ I said looking out of the window.

“ Let's see, Ayesha “ She said as I just look at the beautiful nature. Everything is so beautiful here. I used to come here in every summer vacation just for dadu. Dadi is good but she sometimes behave a little rude but dadu is the best person on the earth.

As our car pulled into the village, I couldn't help but smile seeing our ancestral house bustling with relatives. It was a special occasion - my sister Zoya's wedding. All the wedding ceremonies were going to take place right here, where we had so many fond memories.

I stepped out of the car as Baba, started unloading our things. But my eyes quickly landed on Dadu, (grandfather. ) I ran over to him, feeling a rush of affection, and hugged him softly.

"Assalam-o-Alaikum, Dadu. How are you, my cool handsome Dadu?" I greeted him with warmth.

Dadu smiled and replied, "Wa-Alaikum-Salaam, Ayesha, my dear. I am as always young at heart."

Then, I noticed Dadi, my grandmother, standing behind him, pretending to cough. I realized I had forgotten to greet her, and my heart skipped a beat. I went over to her and greeted her softly, pressing my lips together. She put her hand on mine, giving me her blessings.

"Ayesha, my dear! You've grown even more beautiful since the last time I saw you," Dadu said, his eyes twinkling with happiness.

I blushed, feeling touched by his compliment. "Oh, Dadu, you always know how to make me smile."

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