Chapter 25

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I look towards the doctor leaving the room. I was sitting on the beach looking down at the hand. But when I saw the doctor leaving the room I rushed towards him as if he was holding my life . He looks at me knowing what I am going to ask him. He faces this everyday.

" How is he Doctor? " I asked with a hopeful voice. But looking at the expressions of the doctor I know nothing is good coming. He sighs and says,

" We can't say anything right now, he is severely injured and the cuts are deep. His head was also hit by a hard thing that caused a huge injury there. We are fearing what if blood fills his head. He will be in danger of Comma of losing his memories ''

He explained What's condition was while cold tears fell down my cheeks. My body went cold as If I would collapse on the floor just now. No no no this can't happen. This is not what we thought. This is no- I sucked into my breath the doctor was not here . He left and I didn't realise. I can't seem to breathe. I need to breathe.

I put a hand on my chest trying my best to breathe but every moment it was getting harder. I am falling deep into the ocean and I don't know how to save myself. Ahad saved me. Please come to save me. You always come to save me , please don't stay behind this time too . I need you. My eyes roamed around the place looking for my Ahad. He is not here. But he always comes when I call him. Where is he now? I look behind me like a desperate mother looking for her child. But My Ahad was mine too. I felt so lost without him.

I run towards the room he is in. The small window was giving the view of him laying on the cruel bed . While many machines were attached to him . Doctors were standing over him. While my eyes were stuck to him. Thinking maybe he will open his eyes and look at me like he always does. His face was pale and I was missing his blushing face. Why Allah, why did you give him pain? He doesn't deserve this. Please help us.

I sat at the seat there sticking my eyes to the door. I kept on looking at it and I didn't realise how the time went. A woman came over to me and covered me with a blanket. That's when I realised it was almost 4am in the morning and I kept on looking at the door for a long time.

" Here take this. He will be fine.. Just pray and trust Allah " She said with a beautiful smile and walked away and I almost felt like Allah sent her here. I need to talk to Allah and ask him for his life .

I gulped and nodded my head to myself . Getting up on my weak legs I walked towards the restroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I look like a mess and I don't want to go like this in front of Allah. I cleaned my bloody hand and then cleaned the major parts of the body that are instructed to be washed in the holy Quran before Prayer ( Namaz) . The sun didn't rise yet so I laid the prayer mat and did my fajr prayer. It was as if I was entering a room where I can cry out all and no one will judge me rather the most powerful and the greatest of All will help me. He will help me.

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