Chapter 12

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"" Eat it " Hamza pushed the spoon with rice towards me ,I glared towards him not taking the bite .
" I.Don't.Want.To.Eat " I said as his jaw clenched he closed his eyes and then put the plate back on the table behind him before holding me from my troath harshly . His face was inches away giving me disgust . His hold was so tight that it became hard to even breathe .
" don't fucking say no to me Again " he warned .
" I am not your puppet . L-leave me " I said trying to get out of his hold .

" Ayesha you don't know what I can do . I will destroy everything and everyone who got to see your smile. I will destroy everything."

Even though I was scared but I can't show it .so I Chuckled looking him in eyes confidently .

" I was never yours and can never be yours .do whatever you want but in the end I will be in the arms of Ahad and you will be six feet under- "

A sharp pain rush through my cheeks as he slapped me before pulling my hairs .
" say his name one more time and he will die and if you think I am lying .... "
He pulled out his phone and dialed someone's number . After one ring that person picked up the call . Hamza put his phone on speaker .

" Everything ok .." Hamza asked looking at me with smirk

" Yes sir Ahad is on my gun point . say one word and he is dead "

Horror creep through my bones and my body went cold . No no he can't do that . Ahad is in danger and-

" So what do you say now ? I would be say losing your so called husband right ? "

Tears filled my eyes at the thought of losing him . He is in danger because of me . Anger and hate was alive in me as I glared at him .

" if something happened to him , just remember i am not going to waste a second killing you with my own hands . Don't think Ayesha is innocent I can kill for him and happily colour my hands with blood "

I said in a warning tone . That's enough now I am not letting him threaten me . Even though my heart is beating faster at the image of Ahad in pain but if I show my weakness he will use it against me .

" I see you start being bold and I am loving it .
Anyways don't eat . When you will feel hungry I will make you beg for this cold food . Now if you like to play this game like this "

He said before getting up . He run his dirty hands over my cheeks before leaving the place .

I gulp but a small smile reached my mouth .
How idiot someone can be ? I thought looking towards the table where he left his phone . I heard his cars sound and soon it faded away . He must have left .

I wriggled in my restraints, testing the knots that bound my wrists and ankles. The ropes dug into my skin, causing me to wince in pain, but I couldn't give up. I knew Hamza could return at any moment.

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