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Jisung was peacefully asleep in his room at Felix and Hyunjin's house. Or so he thought. Felix came running in, jumping on top of the day older, aggressively shaking him. "WAKE UPPPP!!" The younger screamed really loud.

"Owww. My ears Lixie!" Jisung whined.

"Well then maybe you wouldn't have that problem if you set an alarm last night like you were supposed to." Felix said shrugging as he got off his best friend. "Oh by the way school starts in like, 30 minutes. So you better hurry if you want to see your future husband." Felix said with a smirk on his face.

Jisung turned red at the thought. Just imagining getting married to Minho made his stomach get butterflies. He didn't even realize his ears were flushed a dark red.

He gathered his thoughts and got up to start his day. He went to his closet. There he took a black and red striped crop top and a black t-shirt to go underneath. He took black ripped jeans that had fabric covering the holes and put them on with it.

Jisung grabbed all his necessities and headed out the door, getting into the car for Felix & Hyunjin to drive him to school.




After the last class of the day Jisung sighed, groaning while leaning against his best friend. "Ugh. Jeongin I can't do this." He said all whiny and pouty. "That's what you get for signing up for dance classes. Don't complain about something you willingly signed up for." Jeongin said to the older while eating his honey-butter chips.

"Hey!" A voice called out to them. They turned their heads to see Hyunjin and Seungmin. They both smile sweetly and wave at the pair walking up to them.

"How was your day today?" Hyunjin asked, Seungmin holding onto Hyunjin's arm.

"Pretty good. I see you have a little someone stuck to you." Jeongin said jokingly

"Ah yeah. He wanted to walk home with me. But I'm guessing he's tired." Hyunjin said softly smiling.

"Ah I see. Well I'm going to head home," Jeongin said, "G'bye! I'll see you tomorrow!" He said giving his friends a hug.

"So. When I get back to you guys' place do you want to watch a movie? I have extra dance practice to catch up on later so maybe after?" Jisung said to the older.

"Sorry Ji. I have to take Seungmin home. But I'm sure Felix will definitely want to watch Howl's."

"What! How'd you know it was Howl's?!" The younger asked surprised.

"You always pick it. Besides we've been best friends for 6 years now. I know you."

"Got me there. Well, I'm gonna go now. Drive safely. Don't crash like that one-"

"Ooookaaaay! Let's go Seungmin! Before I have to punch this guy." Hyunjin said smiling devilishly at Jisung, causing both the latter to laugh.

"Bye guys!" Jisung said walking off.

"Now. C'mon let's go." Hyunjin said picking Seungmin up on his back, causing him to let out a small yelp.





Hey min! I was wondering if you wanted to go out for coffee later? I'll pay!

Yeah sure! Just have to finish up some stuff at the school. Wait for me then??

Ofc! I'll be outside waiting in the car when I arrive. Be quick though.

Haha! Okay sungie. I'll be out soon.


Jisung was finishing up his dancing practice with Felix, who was now lying on the floor practically dying. Jisung grabbed his water bottle like he hasn't drank water in days.

"Alright. Anymore songs to touch?" Jisung asked panting and breathing heavily.

"Nah mate. I'm all checked out of songs. But hey you should get going. Don't wanna keep Minho waiting." Felix said, wiping the sweat from his face with a towel.

"Oh shit I completely forgot. I'll see you later Lix!" Jisung said, grabbing his keys and phone and running out the door.

"Bye!!" Felix yelled.




Jisung finally arrived at the school, patiently waiting for Minho to walk out. Minho had to finish up his vocal lessons so Jisung got on his phone, patiently waiting for the older.

It'd been about 17 minutes since Jisung arrived. He wondered what was taking him so long. Did he forget? Was Minho doing extra stuff to improve? Jisung got fed up and was sick of waiting, so he took it upon himself to go inside and check on Minho.

After going to his vocal lesson room, he was nowhere to be seen. Jisung was confused and started walking around to find the other. Jisung walked around the school hallways for what seemed like ages looking for Minho.

He walked around for a little bit more until he saw him. Jisung was about to walk up to the older but then a familiar-looking girl walked up to him and started talking to him.

'Why are they so close. And why is Minho not pushing her away. Wait a second... No way. Is that- Naeheun?! I thought he didn't like girls. Especially popular girls like her.'

Jisung thought to himself. He continued to watch the two from around the corner as he watched the way Naeheun got closer to Minho. He knew it was wrong to spy on the two but he couldn't help be but curious. She hugged him tight and then pulled away to do the unthinkable.

They kissed.

Jisung felt his heart skip a beat. He felt his world crumbling apart, right then and there. Even though the two had just met not too long ago, he still felt the sting. Tears of anger, anxiety, and sadness started to swell up in his eyes as he fled from the horrid scene.

He couldn't believe Minho would do that to him.

And with Jisung's ex too...

Jisung ran back to the car before he was spotted. There he sat and cried. He felt betrayed and used. Like someone took a knife and carved his heart out. Just like everyone else has made him feel. Jisung was trembling, hands were shaking, and his breath was spiraling.

He tried counting in his head to avoid these thoughts. Counting has always helped him during his hard times. Thankfully it worked.

Just in time too. Minho came out of the building, smiling when he saw Jisung. Jisung smiled back. Little did the older know, his smile was faked. He saw everything.




After their little hang out, Jisung went back to Hyunjin and Felix's place. Upstairs into his room. There he changed into his pajamas and flopped onto his bed. He wanted to cry. The images of earlier still in his head.

He couldn't hold it in anymore. Just at the thought of all that has happened today, he began to let out breath choking sobs. Hyunjin and Felix came rushing in, immediately comforting the younger. Jisung let himself sink into their embrace and cried harder.

If Minho wasn't gonna be there for him, at least his friends would.


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