Chapter 2

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Y/n's Pov
I walked in through the side door that read Employee's Only and went to go find the daycare.

'Jeez, this place is huge'

I was looking around and eventually found a slide that said 'Slide Down to Fun!'.
I looked around for a door but couldn't manage to find one. In fact, I didn't see any workers either, which was weird since the Pizza Plex opens in about 30 minutes. I decided to just go down the slide. Next thing I know, I'm in a ball pit.
As I'm trying to find my way out, I start hearing footsteps.


I jumped at the sound of a voice coming from next to the ball pit.

"H-hello?" I managed to say before getting lifted out of the ball pit by an animatronic.


'So this must be Sun..'
I thought as he set me down in front of him.
"Yes, I am.. and you must be sundrop, right?"


I flinched at the loudness of his voice at such a close proximity.

"Well, I'm Y/n L/n, and I'm the new daycare assistant."
I reached out my hand for a handshake.
He took my hand and shook my hand very excitedly.


"Sure! But can you please lower your voice a bit? It's kind of hurting my ears..." I said while rubbing the back of my neck. I never was good with meeting new people, even animatronics, with artificial feelings, apparently.

"OF COUR- er I mean, of course! I apologize! We don't get many new people here often."

"It's alright!"

He started to show me around the daycare and tell me what I would be doing. I'm going to do the paperwork and help sun with the kids and clean up.

"OKAY, that's all! The kids will be arriving soon, so you can start your wor-OH! One more thing... make sure you NEVER TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!"

'I wonder why he doesn't want the lights off? Won't that use a lot of power?whatever..'

"Okay! I'll be at my desk if you need me."

Sun walked off to do whatever he does and I started on the paperwork. I never really liked paperwork, but it was easy stuff. It mainly consisted of questions I needed to check off:

Is sundrop working properly?
□Has sundrop malfunctioned at all?
□Is the daycare being cleaned thoroughly?
□Has any child gotten hurt because of sundrop?
If there are any more problems, please write them on the back before turning in this paper.

I put a ✔️ on the first and third question and an x on the second and fourth question.

Then I looked at the next paper. It was a list of what I needed to do each day.

Talk to sundrop
●Do paperwork
●Help Sundrop with the kids
●Make sure the kids go with a parent who has a daycare pass
●Help with clean-up
●Clean Sundrop
●Finish paperwork

I put that paper to the side and continued looking through the papers.
I found the schedule and read over it to see what I needed to do when the kids get here.

8:00-8:25_kids arrive

8:25-9:00_play time
9:00-9:10 _snack time
9:10-10:45_play time
10:45-11:00_story time
11:00-11:30_lunch time
1:00-4:45_play time
4:45-5:00_pack up time
5:00-5:15_pick up

Just as I finished reading that I heard noise coming from the slide. I saw a kid fall into the ball pit then Sun jump in and pick him up. A couple more kids came down until there were about 15 kids. Most of them were between 4-8 but I saw 2 kids who looked like they were 2-3. I got up from my desk to go ask Sun what he wanted me to do.

Time skip-naptime


The kids got onto there mats and Sun helped them with there blankets while I managed the toddlers and a few of the kids.

"Hey Sun! Do we keep the lights on for naptime?"


"Okay. What do you want me to do while the kids are sleeping?"

"YOU can just finish your work!"


I went and sat at my desk to finish the paperwork. There were only a couple pieces of paper and most of them were just notes letting me know what to do for my first day and what to do in certain situations.

Time skip-after finishing reading the papers


'Gosh I didn't realize how tired I was. I really need to fix my sleep so I'm not tired at work.'

I went to go find Sun since I was done with my work. I walked over to the play area where Sun was cleaning and whispered to him.

"Hey Sunny!"

He turned around to face me at hearing his name.


"What do you want me to do since I'm finished with my work?"

"You could take a nap or read book in the meantime!"

'He would really let me sleep on the job?
But I don't want to seem lazy so I'll just read a book.'

"I'll just read a book. Thanks Sunny!"

He seemed suprised for a moment before turning back to cleaning.

'Luckily I brought a book just incase I got bored.'

I sat down at my desk and pulled out a book. As I started reading I began to feel more and more tired.

'I need to stay awake! I can't fall asleep the first day on the job.'


I fell asleep.

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