Chapter 13

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Yn's Pov
As I slowly opened my eyes, I realized the feeling of something around my waist. I turned my head and saw Moon. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest, I was not expecting him to be there, maybe Sun, but 100%, not Moon. Why is he here? Should I wake him up? I kinda like it, though... but he is an animatronic, so maybe it's something he does for kids or whatever. Yeah, I should eake him up. What time even is it?

I fully turned around and gently shook him awake. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.
"Hey Moon, do you know how I got here? I kinda forgot..." I awkwardly asked as he just kinda stared at me. I was getting kinda self conscious as he just kept looking at me really weird.
"Moon, are you okay? Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?"
He blinked before responding.
"I'm feeling great darling~ how about you?"
Idk why, but just the way I said it and the nickname made me blush. I wonder if they really can feel love? I shook my head to rid myself of my thoughts and answered him.
"I'm doing good, but I still don't know how I got here..."
He stared again for what felt like forever before talking. Though it was probably only about 30 seconds.
"You passed out."
Really? Oh, it's probably because I had to fix two animatronics in one day. Man, I really need to start working on my sleep schedule, so I'm not tired at work anymore.
"Oh, okay." it wasn't something new to me to pass out. I did it quite a bit in my late teens when I was babysitting. It didn't happen during the job, but once I got home, I would most likely crash on the couch the second I sat down. Though I did fall quite a few times trying to get to my room. I wasn't the healthiest teen, and I definitely didn't drink enough water all the time, and I was lowkey sleep deprived.
My thoughts were interrupted by Moon. Lol, I kinda forgot he was even here. His tone was demanding, and he almost sounded angry. Why?
"Um, i guess I passed out since I had to fix two animatronics in one day and barely got any sleep."
He took a second before speaking once again. Mind you, we are still hugging at this point, less close, but 100% still hugging.
"'Sorry', Sun said."
Huh? Sun? Oh wait, they can talk to each other, never mind I'm stupid, lol. Why is he sorry, though? Did he do something that I don't remember?
"Why is he apologizing? Did he do something?"
"Well, he feels bad for overworking you and you having to fix us."
"Ohh, he doesn't have to apologize for that. I wanted to fix you both, and I would have done it no matter how damaged you guys were or how long it took."
He looked at me for a second and then started to get up. I once again realized that we were, in fact, still hugging. After he stood up, I followed.
What is he doing? Did I say something wrong?
"Are you okay?"
I was starting to get concerned. He was -once again - just looking at me. I walked a little closer and touched his arm. He didn't move.
"Moon? Are you alright?"
After a moment of silence, I was about to say something else when he cut me off. He pulled me into a hug, an arm around my waist and one on my head. I didn't know what he was doing or if he was okay, but I hugged him back. I put my arms around his waist and my head on his chest.(I mean manz is like 7 feet tall 💀) We stayed like that for a little while before I looked up at him. He was still looking at me.
I put my hand on his face, trying to get his attention. He finally looked at me and had a weird mixed expression on his face. Almost like amazed, happy,  thankful, and something else I couldn't place. Is he okay? What the fuck is it with animatronics and moods.
"Moon, can you say something?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm okay, but can I ask you a question?"
"Yea, shoot."
He took a second to think about what he was going to say before continuing.
"Would you ever date a robot if they could become human?"
What? I mean, idk, dude, maybe? Depends on the robot, I guess. You, for example, maybe. But idk.
"What? Do you mean would I date you, or would I date a robot-turned-human in general?"
He looked embarrassed for a second and then answered.
"I guess in general."
"Well, I mean, it would depend on the robot, but if I liked them, yes, I would."
His face turned into an expression of suprise and happiness.
Why is he happy? Does he like me or something? Wait, based on the question he asked, can he turn into a human? I really need to ask someone about this.
"Really?" He asked, I could see him trying(and failing) to suppress a smile. Which was weird because Moon didn't seem like the type of 'person' to smile at anything. So honestly, it gave me a little bit of an inkling that he may like me. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. To be completely truthful, I kind of do like him a little bit. Though dating would be lowkey kinda weird with a robot, let's hope the earlier convo about turning into a human wasn't hypothetical.
"Yeah, why not."
"What if I told you that I could change into a human at will?"
Okay, so the convo wasn't hypothetical. Do I really like him, though? I don't know. I haven't really had the spare time to think about it. Wait, he may not even like me. It could be someone else, though I don't really know another adult that comes to the daycare as much as me. Anyway, I really shouldn't get my hopes up. He probably just asked me because I'm always here or something.
"Um, I guess that would be really cool. How would that work, though? Can you really do that?"
"Yes, I can really do that. It was set as a safety protocol if we were to be moved in an emergency, so we would be easier to carry."
"Oh, that makes sense, I guess, but how?"
"I just have to press a button, and it happens."
"Really? That's it? I thought it would be harder or something. I don't know why, but I thought maybe that you would have to like do some crazy shit or somethin' I don't know."
I mentally face palmed and shook my head at my idiocy. Curse all of those video games. They make things so damn complicated.
"Yeah, that's it. Do you want to see it?"
"Okay. Close your eyes, I'll tell you when to open them."
"OK, fine." I put my hands over my eyes and waited. After a couple of moments, I  felt another pair of human hands slowly take mine off of my eyes. When I opened my eyes I saw him.

Shit. He's hot.

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