Chapter 11

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Y/n's Pov


Moon was lying on the floor below the stairs. He was destroyed. His left arm was missing, his right eye was broken, his clothes were torn, and there were dents everywhere on his body. I ran over to him and knelt down next to him.


No answer. Monty was just standing there, not knowing what to do. I'm not a mechanic, but I do know how to fix the animatronics.

"Hey Monty, do you think you could help me get him to part and service?"

My voice was a little shaky as I talked. I stood back up and faced Monty. He picked up Moon and started for the door. I followed behind him silently. Somehow, the doors were unlocked this time.

'I really need to figure out what is going on with the doors locks. I wonder what happened to Moon... I'll have to check his memory chip.'

I was so lost in thought that I hadn't even realized that we made it to Parts and Service. Monty set Moon down on the chair and looked back to me.

"Do you want me to stay?"

"Sure, you never know what could happen."

He walked away and sat on an extra chair in the corner. I put my gloves on and got a flashlight. I grabbed a pen and notebook to list all of the parts that I needed to get from storage.

○Left Arm endoskeleton
○Right eye
○Right foot
○torso padding
○Arm padding
○Sensory panel x4
○ Face plate (front)
○ Face plate (back)

Once I finished writing down what I needed, I walked to the storage room to get it. I grabbed the arm endoskeleton and walked back to the room. I picked up the screw driver and started undoing the bad arm. I put it off to the side and proceeded to take off his face plate and put it in the box with the bad arm. His eye was completely broken and cracked. I unscrewed his eyeball and tossed it in the box. I took off the back Face plate and picked up the new eye. I screwed it in and made sure it wasn't crooked. I checked the wires around his head and made sure none of them were cut. I picked up the new Face plate (back) and screwed it back on. I put in one of the sensory panels and grabbed the front face plate. Some of the stuff was upgraded, and the face plate looked a little different, but it had more flexibility, so he could make facial expressions.

'Probably for pictures or something.'

After I put the face plate on, I picked up the new arm and screwed it in place. After I fixed his foot, I took a step back to admire my work.

'Good. Now all I have to do is replace the padding and the clothes.'

I checked the time and-
"OMG, it's 2:12 am!"

'How did it get so late? I guess I've been here longer than I thought. When I'm done, I am going straight to sleep.'

I went back to the storage room to retrieve the padding and clothes. I brought the boxes back and set them on the table. I took off Moon's old clothes and placed them aside. I removed the rest of the padding and put it with the clothes. I began putting the padding on his torso and then his arm. Then I put his new clothes on.

"Okay, there we go. Now I need you to trade with Sun."

I went around to the light switch and flipped it. Once Sun appeared, I took a look to make sure everything was good.

'Luckily, when you fix one robot, it fixes the other.'

"Okay, you seem alright! Let's turn you back on."

I grabbed his memory chip and placed it  in, and then hit the power button. His eyes slowly opened, and he looked at me.

"Hey, Sunny."


"Yup, it's me!"

As soon as I finished talking, i was engulfed into a hug. I hugged back, realizing how much I missed his hugs. After a couple seconds of hugging, I let go and looked up at Sun.

"So, what the hell happened to you guys?"

"W-well, some teenage boys asked if they could come see the daycare, and then once we got there, they started hitting us! Then they shoved us into the stairwell."

'Y'know everybody's a killer if you push'em far enough!..... I need to check his memory chip to see who it was so I could report it to the police.'

"Hey Sun, can I power you off for a moment to check your memory chip?"

"Of course, Sunshine!"

He got back on the table, and I pressed the power button. I opened the hatch in his back Face plate and took out the memory chip. I put it in the computer and waited for it to download. I looked over to check on Monty to see him looking over my shoulder. I jumped and screamed.

"For fucks sake Monty don't do that! And how are you so quiet? You way like a ton!"

"That's for me to know, and for you to never find out!"

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the computer screen. 93%.

'Come on...come on!'

About 5 minutes later, it finally finished loading, and I checked the files. I skipped through the video to find when it happened. Once I got to the part, I hit play and watched to see what happened.


I finished watching the video. Sadly, we couldn't really see their faces because they were wearing face masks, but at least I knew everything that happened. I sighed and took the memory chip out of the computer, I went over to Sun and put it back in before closing the hatch. I watched as Sun powered on and waited.

"Hey Sun!"

"Hey Y/N!"

He said as he got off the table.

"So, I couldn't figure out exactly who did it, but atleast I know what happened."

"Oh, that's alright! As long as I'm fixed it's okay!"

I laughed and looked back up at Sunny(mind you he's like 7 ft tall💀)


I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Monty. I almost forgot he was here.


"I was wondering, sweets. I've been having a problem with my right leg. Do you think you could check it out for a minute since we're already here?"

"Of course, Monty!"

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