Hapi Amiversari!

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✨with Riley and Javi✨


She stretched and yawned like one of those in the movies. She stretched and yawn again and this time she opened and scratched her eyes adjusting to the morning light. She looked left and right then without second thoughts stood up from her bed and went out of her room going somewhere that her little feet would take her. Dragging her loyal companion Gomdeuki a stuffed bear, they venture the aisle going to her brother's room.

However, the cluttering and rustling sounds from the kitchen got the attention of our little girl. So, instead of going straight to Javi's room she turned her heels and down she went to the kitchen. It was quite a surprise that someone woke up earlier than her, she was used to waking up before anyone else in this house, but seeing her Mommy whipping up something that smells good in the morning makes her nose tingles and stomach rumble.

It seems that the faint sound from her little tummy surprises the busy woman. She turned around confused and there she saw her little angel looking at her.

"Good morning, baby" Rosie said.

"Is it Sunday?" Asked Riley instead of greeting her back.

"No, it's Tuesday" answered Rosie.

"Oh, Good morning, Mommy" Riley said cutely with her puffy cheeks and tired eyes after realizing that it's not Sunday.

Rosie crouched down and Riley jumped at her mommy's waiting arms. They shared some butterfly kisses and a few I love yous and then Rosie placed Riley on the kitchen counter.

"PANCAKESSSSS!" 4-year-old Riley excitedly shouted seeing a very delicious meal for the morning.

"But why there's a lot? This one looks like cake!" She asked.

"It's a special day today" Rosie answered.

Riley thought of the occasion that could possibly be happening for it to be a special day.

"Is it my birthday?" Riley asked.

"No, silly. Your birthday is done"

"Then, Javi's?" Riley asked. 

"hmmm nope" Rosie answered.

"Oh! I know! It's Christmas!" Riley's eyes lit up upon mentioning their favorite holiday.

"No, baby. It's mommy's and mama's anniversary" Rosie answered.

"amiversari?" Riley asked.

"Anniversary" Rosie corrected.

"What's that?" curious Riley asked.

"It's like mommy's and mama's birthday but we celebrate the day we got married" Rosie tried to put it simply for Riley to understand.

Riley just looked at her Mommy. Riley's reaction isn't what Rosie is expecting. Maybe because it's still early, the kid isn't fully awake. Or maybe because she realized something, there are a lot of possibilities why her 4-year-old daughter reacted this way.

"Mommies do have birthdays?" The little human asked.

And Rosie didn't know if it was right to laugh at her daughter. But she did and it made Riley confused more than ever.

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