New Routine

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!Disclaimer - a lot of this will be done from memory! Pls don't get annoyed if anything is wrong!

It's been about 10 years now... and things have only gotten worse. Those ten years were your transition from childhood to adulthood. It was always going to be a difficult part of your life, you knew this. But having to care for your heartbroken brother while needing extra support yourself was difficult to balance.

It was pretty much forgotten in your household that you're autistic. Charles was the priority. First to help him adjust to being wheelchair-bound. Then having to help him through a depression. His mental health had gotten so bad that he was drinking constantly and refused to wash or get dressed. He had no motivation to do anything.

Hank tried to help by creating a serum that allowed Charles to walk, but it took away his powers if he took to much.

Which is exactly what he did.

He had lost himself in self pity. Leaving you to look after yourself.

Masking was a must now, you couldn't burden Charles and Hank with meltdowns anymore. Eye contact was forced. No more saying things in sets of three, it was strange.

No more stimming, you had broken your promise to Erik.

But who cares anyway? It was his fault that your life had turned into this. He never bothered to visit, Raven neither. You're own sister. The girl who saved you from abuse and neglect and helped you find a home. She was just gone. Erik was gone.

That's how you transitioned to adulthood. Any form of interaction was physically painful. But you had to suffer to help everyone else.

You managed to keep a routine, though. The bare minimum to keep you masking successfully.

Wake up
Bring Charles breakfast
Give him his medicine (reluctantly)
Try and encourage him to do something (always fails)
Eat your own breakfast
Go outside alone to clear your head
Go back inside and eat lunch (Hank takes lunch to Charles)
Read in your room
Force Charles to come downstairs and eat dinner with you and Hank (you basically just end up in silence, it's really awkward)
Read again
Go to sleep

Over and over again.

But that was soon going to change...

Extraordinary Mutant 2: Finding My Way Back (X-Men x Autistic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now