A Night In Paris (I Wish)

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You finally arrived in Paris after a long flight. You were exhausted after finally letting yourself have a meltdown. Though you regretted it harshly.

You avoided any interaction with the others as they spoke at the reception desk of the hotel to get rooms. As Charles and Hank returned, Charles looked less than amused.

"There's only two rooms left... but they're both for two people..." he shot a hate filled glance towards Erik. "Anyone willing to sleep on the floor?"

"That felt directed..." Erik replied.

Tensions were high between everyone. You were still mad with Charles for victimising himself. You were mad at Hank for supporting it, and you still weren't used to Logan.

"I'll go with Erik if no-one else wants to," you muttered, staring at nothing in particular across the room. "The rest of you can stay together..."

"I don't think-" Charles started before being cut off by Logan.

"Hang on, they've got a point..."

"You can't be serious!" Charles objected. Logan grabbed his shoulder and pulled him aside to talk. Hank followed after, leaving you and Erik stood awkwardly waiting for them.

Just like when you were younger, he waited for you to speak first, never forcing you into conversations you didn't want to be in. You remained silent however, for now.

The other three men soon returned.

"We'll go together, and you two go together," Logan explained simply. "Any problems, Y/n, we'll be right next to you..."


"How long was there between you leaving and when  you were taken to the Pentagon?"

"Only a couple months," Erik was surprisingly calm despite the events of the day. "Why?"

"Just wondering," you looked at him confused. "Why do people always assume there's a meaning behind what I say?" Erik shrugged.

"Most people have a hidden purpose for every word," you sighed in response. A moment of silence passed before he spoke again. "How old are you now? You were 15 when I left, correct?"

"Yes, I was 15 when you left," you started. "I'm now 25,"

"Wow..." another moment passed. "I'm sorry for the pressure I put on you that day, sounds like these last ten years have been difficult for you," he glanced down at your clenched fists. "Looks like it too,"

"I can't stim anymore... it draws attention to me and takes it away from Charles,"

"And why is that a bad thing?"

"Charles needs more help than I do..."

"Don't deny yourself help just because someone else needs it!" Erik leaned forward where he was sat and hovered his hands over yours, allowing them to land at your command.

He made sure the contact endured pressure. He remembered just how you liked it.

"Charles needs to accept that what you have isn't just a child disorder,"

"He knows!" You interjected. "He does know... I think he's just forgotten that he's not the only one who needs help,"

"Then remind him," you glanced up at Erik.


"Unmask, stim, cover your ears when it's too loud... all the little things you used to do,"

You sighed. He didn't understand. He didn't understand how difficult it would be to just suddenly unmask after a decade of hiding.

"It's not that easy,"

"Then start slow,"

Always a counter. Erik always knew what to say to you. After all these years. All that time apart. He remembered everything about you. How to talk to you, how you liked pressure, how to frame questions so you'd understand.

Charles didn't remember any of that anymore.

Erik chuckled slightly to himself.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing, really," he stared at you intently. "I just still can't believe how big you are,"

After tossing and turning for hours, you decided to step outside. You trusted Erik not to try anything while you were gone.

As you took in a deep breath of fresh air, you thought on what Erik had said.

"Start slow,"

Maybe you should?

You cautiously let yourself gently flap your hands and tap your foot.

The pressure in your head released slightly as you allowed yourself the freedom to stim. The movement allowing the stress to flow out of your body. You felt the tension slowly disappear. The instant relief was so overwhelming that you began to flap a bit more aggressively. Looking to the sky and letting the warm air brush against your face.

You slowly calmed down and sat on the curb of the path. Gently rocking to regulate yourself as you continued to stare at the sky.

Maybe flight was a good thing, but you just had a bad experience of it.

The possibility of good flight was there. Therefore the bad experience shouldn't cancel it out completely.

"Y/n?" You snapped out of your thoughts and whipped your head round to see Charles. "You're supposed to be keeping an eye on Erik!" He scowled. That meant he was angry.

"He's asleep," you replied calmly. "And he has no intent of 'trying anything'," you made air quotes with your fingers as you spoke.

Charles sighed in frustration and crouched next to you.

"Can't sleep?"


"Me neither," he glanced at you and noticed your rocking. "You're stimming? I thought you stopped?"

"I did," you didn't look at him. "But I need to start again... there was so much tension and pressure in my head that's gone now because I let myself stim,"

"And you stopped because of me?"

"Yes... I didn't want to take the attention away from you," you finally faced him. "You needed it more than I did,"

"Right..." he nodded then got back up. "I recommend you try and sleep," he then walked away.

Leaving you to once more travel into the wonderful world of your thoughts.

A small while passed and you managed to pull yourself away from your trance so you could return to your room.

Erik was peacefully asleep when you entered, just as you had left him.

You got into your own bed and soon managed to get a couple hours sleep.

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