Prison Break?

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"Whatever happens, stay close to me," you nodded in agreement as you entered the pentagon together.

After a few minutes of following with everyone, Charles pulled you to the side with him and Logan as you made your way towards where Erik was being kept.

You shrugged him off and kept walking.

Alarms soon began blaring. You stopped a second and forced your hands to stay by your sides. It hurt so much.

"You ok?" Logan asked.

"Yeah," You replied quickly as you kept walking. Not wishing to make a scene.

You soon approached the prison kitchen. The only people remaining in the room were two guards who stood before you.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls! We are in complete lockdown situation..." he began. The guards clearly unamused... he kept rambling on and getting nowhere. You let out a sigh and used light beams to temporarily blind the guards and Logan took them down.

"Oh I'm sorry were you finished??" He commented before turning to you and nodding. "Nice one," you nodded back as Charles went to unlock the elevator.

"Sorry! I'm just not very good with violence!" The lift suddenly opened and you saw him.


He hadn't aged a day. The flashbacks hit you hard. You suddenly felt all the happiness you felt that he had given you as a teen. The acceptance you felt from him... the bravery to be yourself.

You didn't have that anymore.

"Charles?" He asked as they locked eyes.

Charles suddenly punched him so hard in the face that Erik fell over and Charles threw himself forwards into the back of the lift.

"Charles!" You yelled.

"Good to see you too, old friend... and walking!"

"No thanks to you!"

"Charles, stop!" You called again. He turned and side-eyed you. You ignored him and let your gaze slide across to Erik who had now stood up. His eyes locked with yours for a moment and you managed to hold it without worry.

"Y/n?" You nodded.

"Yeah," his face slowly rose to a small, reassuring grin.

"Wow... all grown up," you nodded and reciprocated his smile.

"Now, we need to get you out of here... and we do it my way! No killing!" Charles interrupted. "I need your word Erik!"

"No helmet!" He grinned, gesturing to his head. "I couldn't disobey you if I wanted to!" Guards suddenly burst in the door and you all turned and unintentionally stood in a line before them. Logan, Erik, Charles, you, Peter.

"Freeze! Or we will shoot!" They spoke so loudly and with such force. You felt yourself flinch but caught yourself before letting any traits out. Squeezing your fists so tight it really hurt. You quickly glanced to Erik who was watching you.

Oh god, he was watching you...

Watching you break your promise...

But you couldn't let the mask slip. It was just natural now. The pain was just always there...

"Charles?" He prompted with panic in his voice.

"Don't move!!"

"Freeze them, Charles!"

"I can't!" Charles' voice was shaky. All the metal in the room began shaking. "NOOO!" He yelled, grabbing onto Erik.

You suddenly got thrown back to see all the guards knocked out... how??

Then you saw Peter on the other side of the room taking out his headphones with a police cap on. He grinned towards you four. You smiled back. Growing quite fond of him despite his speedy tongue.

You all began to make your way out, Peter waiting for you all to go before him.

Mission complete...

You sat in one of the jet seats with a book. May as well catch up on some reading after having another drastic routine change!

You felt yourself getting lost in the pages. You weren't on a jet anymore, you were in the words of Shakespeare. You were in Dunsinane Castle with Macbeth. Anywhere was better than where you were.

"So... what have you been up to this last decade?" You suddenly heard. You glanced up from your reading and saw Erik looking at you.

"Uhm... nothing drastic..." he frowned.

"You seem different..."

"It's been 10 years, Erik!" Charles interrupted. Where did he come from??

"I'm aware,"

"I know why you think they're different..." Logan suddenly chimed in. He was sat well away from the three of you. Wise...

"Do enlighten us..." Charles replied, leaning back in his seat and sipping whiskey. What's new? Logan suddenly faced you and spoke.

"This is the period of time that you felt forced to suppress and mask... am I right?" You glanced around nervously. All eyes on you.

"I- uhm..." you swallowed and felt dizzy. Your breathing began to increase and you gripped the arms of your seat.

"No pressure! We can stop talking about it... I didn't mean to bring it up... I'm sorry," Erik spoke so kindly. So softly. You nodded and went back to reading.

This time you couldn't get lost again because you felt so on edge.

You knew he knew you broke your promise...

Your attention was distracted again when volumes increased.

"You abandoned us!! You took her away and you abandoned us!!" Erik stood still as Charles clinged on to him and yelled in his face. He began listing names.

"Angel, Emma, Azazel, Banshee, mutant brothers and sisters, all dead!" The plane around you began to crush. The walls closed in and you felt panic rising in your stomach.

"Erik!" Logan yelled.

"Where were you Charles?!" Your breathing increased to the point you thought your lungs would give out. The shouting plus all the sounds of the jet crushing and going down clouded your brain. You couldn't think clearly and hadn't felt this way for such a long time. You were suddenly taken back to the jet that day in Cuba...

And the fall...

Maybe flight wasn't all it was cracked up to be...

Everything passed in a pain filled moment.

"Y/n... Y/n?! It's ok, it's ok, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Erik's voice played in your ears. You felt as if you had passed out even though you were conscious the whole time. You slowly realised that you had been thrown under the table opposite where you were sat... or did you put yourself there to hide? Your hands were on your ears and you were curled up with your head between your knees, rocking back and forth.

"Where's Charles?" You managed to whisper when you opened your eyes and cleared the blurriness of tears. Erik sighed.

"In the cockpit with Hank... are you ok?"

"I broke my promise..."

"I know,"

"Are you angry?"

"No... because it wasn't your fault," he said, hovering a hand over your shoulder until you nodded. The weight of his hand made you flinch a little at first.

You didn't have a lot of physical affection in the last 10 years...

"I'm sorry I did that, looks like you haven't felt this way in a long time..." you sighed and looked up at him.

"Not since Charles came home in a wheelchair..."

Extraordinary Mutant 2: Finding My Way Back (X-Men x Autistic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now