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You woke up and began your routine as always. Slowly making your way up the stairs to bring Charles his food and meds. Although he was perfectly capable of getting up and getting them himself since taking this serum. You knocked gently.

"Come in," he mumbled. He sounded angry. You opened the door and placed the food tray on his bed.

"Morning, Charles,"

"Morning... thanks for the food and meds..."

"Are you sure you don't want to get up and do something today? Perhaps you could join me-"

"On your walk after you've had breakfast... you ask me every day, my answer is no!" You were taken aback by his sudden sharp tone and forced your hands to stay at your sides. It just came naturally, now.

"Alright... I'm sorry..." You said nervously as you slipped out of the room. As you shut the door, you took a deep breath to keep your traits contained. You went downstairs and had breakfast of your own. Your head jerked up as you heard a knock.

"Don't worry! I got it!" Hank called. You were grateful and continued to eat. Not bothered about anything. Until you heard indistinct arguing. You stood and followed the sound to find the source. Hank was dangling from the chandelier and another man was layed on the table.

"Hank!" The commotion was so much that even Charles left to come and see what was wrong. "What's going on in here?" He stomped down the stairs.

"Professor?" The new man asked.

"Please don't call me that," Charles responded harshly. The happy memories of when he first became a professor tormented by the after events.

"You know this guy?!" Hank questioned from his upside-down position.

"Yeah, he looks s-slightly familiar- get off the bloody chandelier Hank!" He did as he was told and stood next to the table where the other man was still laying. Charles slowly made his way further down the stairs

"You can walk?" The man said, confused.

"You're a perceptive one..."

"But I thought Erik-?"

"Which makes it slightly perplexing that you managed to miss our sign on the way in!" He slumped down on one of the middle steps, glass in hand as always. "This is private property, my friend, I'm going to have to ask..." he gestured towards you and Hank. "...them to ask you to leave," the new man now stood up from his place on the table.

"Well, uh, I'm afraid I can't do that, because..." he thought for a moment before speaking. "Because I was sent here for you,"

"Well, tell whoever it was that sent you that I'm... busy," you all knowing full well that Charles' lifestyle at the moment was anything but.

"This is gonna be a little tricky... because the person who sent me... was you,"

"What?" Your thoughts exactly.

"About 50 years from now..." time travel? Impossible!

"50 years from now? Like in the future 50 years from now?"


"I sent you from the future 50 years from now?"

"Yep," Hank shook his head in disbelief.

"Piss off!" Charles muttered. A moment of silence passed.

"If you had your powers, you'd know I was telling the truth,"

"How do you know I don't have my..." stunned. All of you. Surely there was no way this man was really from the future? Time travel's a myth! "Who are you?"

"I told you,"

"Are you CIA?!"

"No," the questions were rapid fire. One after the other. You struggled to keep up but didn't show it.

"Have you been watching me?"

"I know you, Charles..." the man was awfully calm throughout this whole confrontation. He kept his voice level the entire time. He slowly made his way towards Charles. "We've been friends for years... I know your powers came when you were 9..." he started as he continued to approach Charles. "You thought you were going crazy with all the voices in your head..." he gestured towards his own head as he said this. "And it wasn't until you were 12 that you realised the voices were in everyone else's head... would you like me to go on?" Charles shook his head.

"I never told anyone that,"

"Not yet, no, but you will..." he turned towards you. "I bet you still don't believe me, y/n..." you were taken aback for a moment, unable to respond. "I know you're probably thinking of a more reasonable explanation for all this..."

"Yes, sir..."

"Jesus, don't call me that... I'm Logan," he almost studied you for a moment, looking at you in silence for a minute before speaking. "Just letting you analyse me, I know that's how you get used to people... because you're autistic..."

"What? Impossible..." You hadn't told anyone about your autism in over 10 years. Not wanting to take the care and attention away from Charles. "How did you...?"

"You seem calmer than normal... you're not showing your traits?"

"No," you looked down. Not in shame, but to avoid eye contact. You wanted this conversation to be over.

"Alright, you've piqued my interest... what do you want?" Charles asked.

"We have to stop Raven," you couldn't help but allow a small gasp. The name you hadn't heard for about a decade. Your beloved sister. Was there a possibility of seeing her again? "I need your help... we need your help," Charles began to tear up from where he sat. Once upon a time, you would've sat by him and dried the tears. But you weren't that close anymore.

"I think I'd like to wake up now..." Charles whispered as he got up and stumbled towards his office. Hank's form slowly began to change back to human.

"What does she have to do with this?" He asked. You kept quiet. Overwhelmed by the thoughts of everything you had seen and heard. There was no other reasonable explanation...

Time travel exists.

"So you're saying... they took Raven's power and they what? Weaponised it?" Charles asked as he poured himself another drink. You used to stop him but had long given up.

"Yep," Logan nodded.

"She is unique," Hank stated.

"Yes she is, Hank," Charles added. He slowly wandered towards the nearby sofa as Logan explained how the Sentinels were designed to identify genetics of not only mutants. But humans who could eventually have mutant children or grandchildren.

"Many of the humans tried to help us... it was a slaughter, leaving only the worst of humanity in charge..." he sighed. "I've been in a lot of wars... I'd never seen anything like this... and it all starts with her..."

"Look, let's just say for the sake of... the sake that I-I choose to believe you..." Charles started. "Raven won't listen to me!" He sighed. "No, her heart... and soul belong to someone else now..." Erik.

"I know," Logan stood up. "That's why we're gonna need Magneto too..." that silly name Raven came up with actually stuck? Wow...

Charles began to laugh. What was funny? "He's where he belongs," his voice suddenly hostile at the thought of your friend. He began to leave.

"What so you're just gonna walk away?!"

"Top marks! Like I said, you are perceptive!" He called as he wandered away. You froze for a moment and tried deciding what to do. You felt really nervous in the presence of Logan as he knew so much about you, but you had never met him before. You thought about Charles and how the mention of Raven and Erik may have shaken him up the way it had to you.

You slipped away from the office and followed him upstairs.

Extraordinary Mutant 2: Finding My Way Back (X-Men x Autistic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now