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You knocked gently on the door but got no reply. It was already partly open so you pushed it open a little further and saw Charles slumped in a chair, taking his daily dose of the serum that allowed him to walk.

"Are you ok?"

"I didn't reply, that means I want to be alone!" He snapped back. You cursed yourself for not picking up on that cue.

"Oh... my bad," you turned to leave when his voice suddenly stopped you.

"How do you feel about this?" You turned back round and cocked your head in confusion. "The whole future bollocks and Raven," you thought for a moment of how to reply.

"Well... I'm not really sure..." he sighed and threw his head back. "But whatever this is, we have the chance to see Raven again, and we can help her!" He stayed where he was in silence for a moment, thinking. "To me it doesn't matter if the future thing is real... I just want to see Raven, I miss her... I'm sure you do too!"

"I do,"

"If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here," you were forever grateful to her for that.

"No," Charles' short answers made it difficult for you to keep speaking. You indulged in silence again. You became frustrated at his ignorance. He could risk your future.

"I think we should help Logan," you finally said, assertively. Charles lifted his head and looked at you with a strange expression.


"We need to stop Raven... and she may even come home, if we're lucky," he continued to stare at you blankly. "Please," he stood up and walked towards where you were stood.

"Fine... but for her!" You nodded.

"Of course!" You both wandered down the stairs and allowed Charles to tell Logan that he agreed to help.

"I'll help you get her!" Logan turned to face you both. "Not for any of your... future shite but for her!"

"That's fair enough," he responded.

"I'm telling you, you don't know Erik! That man is a monster!" He was very passionate about this opinion. "If you think you can convince Raven to change, to come home..." he let out a smile at the thought of you being reunited. "That's splendid..." his face faltered shortly after that. "But what makes you think you can change him?"

"Because you and Erik sent me back here together," you had never felt more hope in your life. The overwhelming joy would've caused you to happy stim a long time ago. But you kept your hands in your pockets and calmed your head.

You were now gathered around a map of The Pentagon. The prison where Erik was being kept for assassinating JFK.

"I know a guy," Logan said. "He's be a young man by now... think we can find him?" Hank turned to Charles.

"I guess that's Cerebro out of the question..." Charles glared in response. "W-we have a phone book..."

You walked into the office to retrieve the phone book and almost immediately found the man you were looking for.

Peter Maximoff.

Extraordinary Mutant 2: Finding My Way Back (X-Men x Autistic Reader)Where stories live. Discover now