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Since this will be my first Fanfic, the characters traits aren't completely accurate since i'm not very good at analyzing characters personality and stuff but i will try my best on trying to put in what the characters will feel when writing.

I will also do some research while writing since i want some actual stuff in this Draft of a fanfic that i'll use since i love BoKita and i don't see much of them.

If i had any grammatical errors or typos, please tell me so i could fix them and maybe you readers can suggest words i can use.

Well this is my first Fanfic and i'm not really experienced with writing i will be reading more stories and get inspiration from so i could finish this and complete whatever this is.

Thank you for your time and i will make sure to make an actual chapter when needed...

Please wait patiently for an actual Chapter.

-Sincerely yours Yuki☆

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