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A few days go by and Belly talks to me as little as possible. I don't think Mom notices though, as we still go along to our debutante rehearsals and awkwardly share our bedroom. It's not uncommon for me to sneak out halfway through the night and join Jere in his room, watching TV or him play video games until I finally fall asleep.

Things between my brothers and Belly seem to be just fine though. Jeremiah and Belly continue their friendship of jokes and teasing and laughter, and Conrad watches Belly at every opportunity that he isn't in his room. Belly's eyes wander his direction often enough too.

"Kristin," Jeremiah says to me one night after I knock on his door. He's already in his pajamas and looks half-awake. "No offense, it's cool to hang out with you, but this has gone on long enough. Hasn't it been a week?"

Embarrassed, I nod.

He leans on his door frame and sighs. "You're sure it isn't you who's refusing to repair your relationship? 'Cause to me, Belly's back to normal."

"Jere, she won't even look me in the eye! She sleeps so far on the edge of our bed, facing away from me of course, that it's a wonder she doesn't fall out. At the club, when we're 'debutanting', Shayla's the only one that talks to me. She's even asked if something's going on between the two of us."

Jeremiah rubs his hand over his face. "Is she awake?"

I shrug. If this whole problem has been bothering her as much as it has me, then probably. But I assume it hasn't.

"I'll go check. If she is, you two need to have a talk. Otherwise we might need to tell Mom."

"No," I say quickly. I don't want Mom to be upset at Belly. She loves Belly, and Belly loves her. "I'll come with you," I offer instead.

"Good." Jeremiah steps around me.

I take a couple hurried steps to catch up with him. "You aren't mad at me, are you?"

He sighs. "No, Kris. I'm fine. Just tired."

We're at my room now so I drop my voice to a quieter whisper. "Just go back to bed Jere, I didn't mean to wake you up or anything."

"No," he shakes his head. "You two need to talk. I can always sleep in tomorrow." He adds a wink which makes me feel a little more confident that he might not be as annoyed as I think.

I push open the door. Our room is the same as I left it. The blinds pulled tight, dark, smelling lightly of the flowery perfume Belly and I have sprayed today. My side of the bed is empty, the comforter still folded over itself from when I got out. Belly's side is occupied, the blankets pulled tightly around her. I didn't think the AC felt that cold, but maybe it blew in her direction more than mine.

"Hey Bells," Jeremiah says, walking in. I hover in the doorway, watching him move towards the bed and speak in a hushed voice. "Are you awake?" He pokes her softly, then gives her a light shake. She doesn't move or talk.

"Belly?" I say now, coming beside Jere. He shakes his head and pulls back on the blankets. Underneath reveals Jr. Mint and more pillows. Belly's gone.

"Kris," Jeremiah says and turns to me. "Is this a joke?"

"What?" I ask. Is he asking if we're pranking him?

"I mean, was she here when you left or not?"

"I thought so." I cross the room back to my side of the bed, feeling stupid and pathetic. "I'll just sleep here. I'm sorry."

"Kris, it's fine. I'm not even upset–" I shake my head which makes him stop. Something is off, like there's something else on his mind. I've noticed him quieter at night than during the day, less jokey and easy-going. He must be annoyed with me. That's what younger sisters are, aren't they? Just annoying. To their older brothers, and their older friends too, I guess.

"I'll handle it, Jere, and I won't bother you anymore."

"Okay," Jeremiah says. He sounds tired again. "She's probably just out swimming, we'll figure this out tomorrow."

I nod and bury my face in my pillow, trying to get comfortable. "'Night, Jere."

"'Night," he echoes back and exits the room, leaving the door open just a crack the way I liked it when I was little. I sleep with it closed now, I have for years, but I don't mind it right now.

I fall asleep quicker than I expect, alone in my room without Belly.

Everything Changes-The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now