Ch.5 : is something wrong ?

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" does it look", asked Tony with a smug smirk. Rose cleared her throat and replied with a savage look, "Cool, but Oscorb was better I guess". Tony pointed a finger at her and said, " I like you but, not the way you think", as he broke down into a toothy grin. Rose let out chuckles and very slowly both Tony and Rose found themselves in a fit of laughter.

Tony wheeled her all around his lab explaining to her how things worked. Rose gaped with pure fascination in her eyes. Tony introduces her to Dum-e who took a quick liking to the girl as her offered her an oil smoothie. Rose couldn't belive she got to experience how Mr. Stark's lab looked. It was definitely the best experience of her life.

By the time they were done it ws already 8 pm...way past the time for Rose to leave. "Thank you so much Mr. Stark..again". "As I said...don't mention deserve it kiddo", replied tony with nothing but pure kindness. " Are your parents coming to pick you up ?", questioned Tony. It soon dawned upon Rose that her parents must be enraged..." mean my parents work late till night...I - I can go back myself". " No, absolutely not...I am asking Happy to send you back to your house." , replied Tony with a worried voice. "It's really not needed Mr. Stark!!...I can go by myself really", replied Rose with a hurried tone. "Nope..I am sending happy with you", said Tony leaving no place for argument. After 5 minutes arrived Happy. " Uh.....HE is happy....I mean no offence but he looks everything except HAPPY", asked Rose with raised eyebrows. "Believe me I have been asking myself the same question since years...what did his parents think while naming him" , replied Tony with a similar look. Happy came in with a disinterested look but gave a questioning look to Tony after looking at Rose. "This little genius right here is my personal intern and you gotta leave her to her house ", replied Tony but was shocked when Happy didn't make any remark...what shocked him even more was how Happy's face softened and the gentleness with which he wheeled Rose out the room. Both Tony and Rose waved each other goodbye. But one thing didn't leave Tony's mind...the look of discomfort and fear that dawned upon Rose's face on the mention of her parents...was she alright??

Back in the car Happy didn't make any conversation with Rose but looked at her from time to time which Rose realised through her side eyes but didn't react. After reaching her house Rose waved Happy a good bye and thank you which to her surprise was returned by Happy. She slowly opened her her parents stood in the middle of the corridor with an evil look. Rose started shaking just by the thought if what was gonna happen.

"Where we you this late ?", asked her Mom in a way too calm voice for her liking. "I-intership", replied Rose. Her dad came forward and raised his hand as Rose felt his hand come in contact with her left cheek, the impact causing her face to roke to the side as blood poured down a newly formed cut on her lips. "STOP FUCKING LYING TO US". Rose felt tears forming in her eyes , "I-I am n-not", she stuttered back earning a second slap. "You need a better treatment I guess." Rose's mom came back a few seconds later with a glass bottle in hand. Rose slowly wheeled back in fear but couldn't anymore as her wheelchair hit the door. " Please I am won't happen again please...please forgive me ....", she pleaded but to no avail as she felt the bottle crack right on her head . Blood poured down head as she clutched the wound with her hands. " You deserve this bitch", told her dad and he took a belt ready to hit her. Rose braced herself with her hands but got hit anyways. The beating went on for 40 mins. All the while Rose screaming and crying in pain but being showed no mercy by her parents. Her parents then switched off the lights and went away to sleep. Rose was left crying lying on the cold floor beside her wheelchair, a result of being pulled by her hair from the wheelchair. She whimpered in the cold and cried softly rethinking how her life was before the accident. If only she could have been normal..if only she could have been loved.......

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