Ch.9 : Avengers Assemble

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Rose entered the elevator as usual and greeted FRIDAY. FRIDAY greeted her back in a soft yet cheerful voice. Even FRIDAY seem to have grown a soft spot her the girl. Rose would often find her enjoying her conversations with FRIDAY when Mr. Stark would get stuck in a meeting. Rose heard a sing indicating her that they had arrived on the penthouse floor as instructed by happy earlier. But the difference was....instead of being greeted by silence as usual, she was greeted by loud noises of chatter. As she hesitantly wheeled herself she found herself in the same rooms as non other than ....the Avengers!!!!.....but they were different from what they looked on TV. They weren't wearing they suits. No one would above they are a group of powerful Gods, mutants, super soldiers and spies. They looked like a bunch of crackheads .....a one big family.

It was Clint who first noticed her from the corner of his eyes. "Who are you ?" , asked Clint as evryone stopped speaking and looked at her direction. She could feel everyone's suspicious looks as they slowly took out their weapons. On the other hand the avengers would be lying if they said they didn't melt by the bambi eyes of the tiny girl staring back at them but they had to follow all safety precautions . Rose understood it was necessary since they were always under high life risks but it was scary nonetheless. "Who . are. you?" Asked Natasha again. "Umm...I - I am Mr. Stark's personal intern and I am searching for him....Happy asked me to come up to the penthouse ", replied Rose hesitantly with a quiver in her voice out of nervousness and fear. " I didn't know Tony had a personal intern and neither that he took in kids ", said Steve with doubt in his voice and a stern face . Before Rose could reply she heard the elevator come to the floor her were at. She heard the similar footsteps on Tony. " Hey guys did you see my pers-- whoa wtf guys calm down and put your weapons down , she is my personal intern and you are scaring her!!! ", exclaimed Tony. The avengers put down their weapons as Tony rushed towards Rose and held her shoulders asking whether she was alright. "Yes Mr. Stark...just...kinda shook", said Rose. It was followed by a series if soft sorrys from the superheroes scattered on the area. "Oh no no it's fine were just doing your job ", said Rose with a small smile which was returned by evryone in the room. "Now kid...all this is fine but you need to stop calling me Mr. Stark .It makes me sound old." , said Tony as Nat rolled her eyes making Bucky and Sam laugh quietly. "I'll stop calling you Mr. Stark on the day you stop calling me kid", retorted back Rose with a smug look. "But you're a kid..KID", said Tony as Rose replied "And you are Mr. Stark....Mr. Stark " with a smirk, which earned a fit of laughter from all the other heroes including a loud whistle from Pietro. " You are blessed by a tiny version of yourself Stark", said Loki and Thor hummed in approval and laughed out loud .

(P.s. I have kept peter around the age if 19 here as I wanted him to play an elderly brother role for Rose. So he is a college student here)

Peter and Pietro was the first to step forward to introduce themselves to Rose. They stepped down on their knees to bring themselves to her height. " Hey there kiddo. What's you name ?", asked Peter ." Rose...Rose Lily" , replied Rose putting forward her hand for a shake with the sweetest smile the avengers had ever seen in their lives. It was full of innocence and purity....something their jobs hardly permitted them to experience. They felt fresh and lively just by the mere presence of the tiny girl. "Well hello there Rose, my name is Pietro and this is Peter", replied pietro. Both of them shaking her tiny hands. Next came Steve and Loki. A sudden gush of green smoke erupted from Loki's hands as it slowly changed into a bouquet of the most beautiful purple periwinkles Rose had ever seen in her life. " A precious gift for the precious child ", said Loki as he handed over the bouquet to Rose which she took with such astonishment and gratitude, it made the smile on Steve and Loki's fame grow even more. Then came Natasha and Clint who bend down on their knees and overflowing a row of sorries for taking out their weapons on her which she forgave them for a long time back. Both of them caught Rose eyeing their knives and arrows. "Do you want to learn how to use them", asked Nat even surprising herself on how soft her voice came out. " C-can I", asked Rose hesitantly. "You can conquer the world if you want kiddo....believe me", replied Clint wearing nothing but kindness on his face. " I would love to ", replied Rose making both the assassins smile at her growing confidence. Then came Thor and Bruce. "She is a huge fan of you Bruce", said Tony. "You like Hulk smashing too??", asked Bruce but was surprised when Tony said that she was a fan Bruce as in Bruce and not Hulk. "Yes Sir....your work is amazing ", said Rose shyly. "Y-You understand it ?", asked Bruce ....surprise lacing his voice. "She is a very intelligent maiden ", complimented Thor. Next came Vision and Wanda. Wamda used her magic to create a ball of small red light which took the shape of a butterfly landing on Rose's nose tip and dissapearing making her giggle. "You are so very pretty ", said Wanda making Rose blush. "So are you", she replied shyly. Vision said, "Kids like chocolates don't they" bring a bar from his back and handing out over to Rose which made her beam in happiness. They were followed by Bucky and Sam. "Look at the pretty young lady. Nice to meet you. I am Sam and this grumpy man is Bucky", said Sam to which Rose laughed and gave Sam a high five. "So not funny....I am not grumpy..I bet she likes me more than you SaMmY", said Bucky as he put his hand forward for Rose to shake which she gladly took. "Well now it's time to get some food first and then work in the lab again , how does Turkey sandwiches sound ", said Tony "Amazing ", replied Rose accustomed to the rle of her first having food before staring any work in the lab which was made by Tony after she admitted skipping her evening snacks to come the Internship. Tony wheeled her to the kitchen, both of them bidding everyone a goodbye.

The avengers sat in front if the TV watching the CCTV footage of Tony and Rose laughing and eat. All them feeling the radiation of the special bond of parental love being created around Tony and rose. They could feel a protective feeling arise in even in them for the girl as well. They were all trained and taught how to read people. All of them could feel something was off about her. Nat and Clint were assassins. One look was enough for them to know. There was an underlying sadness in her eyes. But why ??....

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