Ch.20 : Dad....

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After another hour of hug and consolation the two were exhausted....but happy..tired but relieved knowing they weren't alone anymore. "Wanna have a Harry Potter movie marathon ", asked Tony. "Definitely", replied Rose with a grin enough to decrease anyone's physical or mental pain. How did he not notice how similar she looked to her . They both sat on the couch huddled up in blankets with snacks from Clint's secret snack stock which wasn't anymore a secret after Rose had found it one day while she was wheeling around....she had always been good with finding stuffs..only it took her 15 years to find her dad.....but now that she did she will never let him go away. As they put on the movies they munched on all sorts of food one could think about. But after so many hours of emotional roller coater ride it had taken a toll on both Rose and Tony. Rose felt herself slowly slipping into her land of dreams. "I love you Dad" was the last thing Rose whispered before sleep overtook her mind.

"I love you Dad" Tony heard as his body went stiff...and thens slowly started to relax before realisation dawned on him. "She called me...Dad....", thought Tony as a huge smile covered his face. Caressing her hair slowly he looked down at her and kissed her hair. "I love you too kiddo. ", Tony whispered.

The Avengers returned....this time without anyone in hand..they had done their one would come back for their little Rose again. As they entered the penthouse Nat hushed them quite before pointing out on the couch where Rose and Tony laid asleep, huddled in blankets with empty snack packets lying around. Rose's head lying in Tony's chest and his one arm protectively wrapped around her shoulders while the other lying on her head as if lulling her to sleep. Both let out tiny snores...both having dreamless peaceful nights for the first time in ages. And if the Avengers had taken a pic of them and got it framed to hang it in their rooms to remind them of this sweet moment everyday they wake one had to know.

The Paralysed 《An Avenger Fanfic》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang