Ch.11 : Yeah.....that's what i thought

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Yeah.....that's what she can't be so amazing to her can it....she had doubted how everything went so smooth with no issues...and here comes the issues as she lies limp on the kitchen ground with bruises and cuts littered on her arms and legs...blood pouring through a newly open wound on her forehead and cut on her lips. Her hair a mess and her eyes hardly open as she felt another hit on her upper body. She tried saving herself with her hands but now she was too tired to even do that which left her with no other option than to lay there trying to endure the seemingly never ending wrath of her parents.

It started at least an hour and half ago. Her parents got a call she had overheard. Loss....they had a loss in their business resulting in them going in a debt of a huge sum of money. And the next part happened in a flash she didn't quite remember. The door to her room opened as her dad came in and slurred out some slangs. Smell of alcohol reeking from him. He grabbed her and pulled her roughly out of her room. Her wheelchair forgotten in her room as she was dragged on the floor. Her mother stood their already...drunk as well. Both her parents said something along the lines of her being a curse and disgrace and then she felt a glass bottle hit her...skip to now it was still the same. "You pathetic creature....a disgrace to our are a curse and the reason for our losses.", said her mother from whome love is expected but that word sounds foreign to Rose now. "Go and die you pathetic excuse of a daughter", spat her father as he and her mother exited the house gruffly.

A train of thoughts passed her mind. Disgrace.....of course she is, pathetic....yeah she was.....Mr. Stark....he must think the same of her and maybe kept her cause of pity ??...avengers....she bet they thought of her as a freak. No one loved the one...were the last words in her mind as she blacked out, her head pounding as darkness engulfed her.

On the other hand in the tower Tony had gone had been 3 minutes since the time Rose should have been in the tower and she had missed five of his calls. "Tony calm's been just 3 minutes and yk how the traffic is these days. I am sure Rose is fine and probably not able to hear the ring of the phone in the hustle ", said Steve trying to reassure his friend but worry evident in his voice too . " I know ...I know Steve but...but I don't feel so good ...I have a bad feeling about it ", said Tony as he thanked Loki for handing him a glass of water. "You are panicking to much need to calm ", said Loki but of course Tomy wasn't going to unless he got a call from her. " You really care for Rose don't you ?", asked Steve placing a hand on Tony's shoulder. "Yeah....yeah Steve....I do...and I don't know why but it scares me. She isn't safe with me.", said Tony . " No Tony...I think she is the happiest and safest when she is with you...I get this feeling and most of my feelings are always right ", said Steve." Don't think so low of you Stark", said Loki. Tony gave a small smile to both  feeling a bit better but still not fully convinced.

Rose's eyes fluttered open slowly...taking time to adjust to the lights. It took her around 5 minutes to regain balance of mind and control over her senses as what had happened before the blackout slowly resurfaced her memory. Beating...yeah..she remembered. It was probably the worse she had in her life for it was the first time she went unconscious and limb. A ring from her phone lying under the table..... where it went flying from her jean pocket when her dad gave her the second hit ....brought her out of the trance. She slowly crawled wincing in even a little but if movement. Switching it on Rose gasped at the sight if 5 missed calls from Mr. Stark in the last 3 minutes. Checking the time made her realize it was 6. 03pm...3 minutes past the time when her Internship started everyday. For how long had she been out ??!!!. She clicked the receiver button as a series of words rushed out like a bird coming out free from its cage. "Kid are you alright....finally you picked up the goddamn phone....where were you kiddo. You gave a serious scare like you missed five of my calls. I was so worried, you haven't been here and it's 3 minutes already past your time.... where are yo-- kid there ?", ranted Mr. Stark in one deep breathe he didn't knew had got stuck in his throat since the first call Rose didn't pick up. On the other hand Rose sat there with no clue how to reply as tears pricked her eyes and threatened to fall...not cause of the pain she was in right now but cause of the worry with which Mr. Stark asked her the questions.....he cared.....but.....would he care after learning about her family?..."uh..y-yes yes Mr. Stark....I-I am here", said Rose nurturing the tiny amount of stress left in her. "Kiddo....why do you sound like that...where are you.....are you alright ?", asked Tony, breathe hitching at the thought of the possible troubles Rose can be at. "Y-yes Mr. Stark...I am fine...just...just I am not so well and had medicines which ma-made me sleepy. So i didn't realise the phone ringing. I am so sorry I couldn't come for the Internship today.", said Rose fearing she made Mr. Stark angry by not picking up the phone. "Don't apologize should definitely  rest when you are sick. Good you decides to stay at home today. Don't you dare start doing school work or something. I know how you are always working yourself up. Get healthy soon...and EAT HEALTHY got it ", said Tony in a sarcastic tone but the the worry lying under it very evident. "Yes Mr. Stark...I would.....thank you...see you soon ", replied Rose as she cut the phone before bursting into tears and slowly started dragging herself to her room.

A sigh of relief rushed through Tony on hearing Rose's voice....but.....something....something was off about it. She said she was sick but...was it really. He didn't feel so didn't feel right. Maybe he was overthinking but....her voice had ..fear ?? In it. And why did she cut the phone in such a hurry....

For the next week Rose could not attend the internship. Her body was in too much pain to move and the cuts and wounds were so dark and deep that it wasn't possible to call them one got by just a fall down the stairs. She wanted to join back go to the avengers to feel happy again. Her parents continued their abuse day after day. She hadn't taken her medicines all week making her body even more weak than it already was from the beatings. The only thing keeping her sane were the calls from the avengers. Each one of the avengers called her once evryday to check on her. It felt heavenly to have someone care for her...even though she had to work very hard to keep her voice normal for them to not doubt her. Tony called her thrice everyday without fail as they chatted for hours and laughed over silly stuffs. Those were the only time she smiled in the week.

Rose wheeled herself towards the mirror of her room. Old scars on her face gone. New ones only littered her hands and legs which she could hide under her clothes. She would be joining back her internship from tomorrow ....finally.......

The Paralysed 《An Avenger Fanfic》Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora