1-8 A New Spider (Short)

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One Week Later


Gwen and I stood in the cemetery as it rained watching George's casket be buried. Gwen stood there in silence. Soon we heard as rifles were shot in George's honor and a helicopters flew overhead. I turned to Gwen.

Y/n: I'm sorry Gwen I-

Gwen: I know

She coldly responded. She turned to look at me and she seemed angry.

Gwen: I can't believe Spider-Man would do this! He was supposed to protect the city, but he murdered my father!

I couldn't take this anymore I had to say something, try to get her to understand that I didn't kill him.

Y/n: You don't know that.

Gwen now looked a bit upset at me

Gwen: I do know that he ran from the scene!

Y/n: Maybe he didn't have a choice.

Gwen: I doesn't matter I know what I saw and I know he killed my father!

I looked at Gwen worried as she was now raising her voice.

Gwen: If I ever see that Spider-Man again, I'm going to kill him! He took away my father's life so he can pay with his own!

I didn't know what to say. My girlfriend wanted me dead.

Gwen: I need some alone time.

Gwen walked off leaving me alone in the cemetery.

One month later

Y/n's POV

Things have been getting better. I'm halfway through this school year. I got a motorcycle now as well. Although I'm a bit worried about Gwen. She's been late to school and our dates a lot recently. She always says she's staying up late too. Every time I try to talk about it she just says she's fine.

I was walked into school today and met up with my friends. I had already told Peter about what happened with Gwen's father. Luckily he believed me. But everyone else still doesn't know and now has turned on Spider-Man. The police have even been trying to arrest him.

When I walked up to the group Peter pulled me aside.

Peter: Dude you have to see this!

He showed me an article and video on his phone about a superhero named "Ghost-Spider"

Peter: She says she wants to hunt down Spider-Man!

Y/n: Really? Jameson must love her.

Peter: It looks like she also has spider powers too.

Y/n: (gasps) She's stealing my brand!?

Peter: Dude, how are you not taking this seriously!

Y/n: Because she's just another villain of the week who says they want to "end Spider-Man" and then they end up getting webbed up and sent off to Rykers by yours truly.

Peter: She's not a villain. She's actually been stopping crimes and doing a good job at it too!

Y/n: What?

Peter: She claims to be a "Real Hero" unlike the "dirty Spider-Man"

Y/n: You didn't have to say it like that.

Peter: Anyways I'm just saying to be careful. You don't really know what this Ghost-Spider is capable of.

Y/n: Trust me I'll be fine. I always get back up!

I walked back to the rest of the group and met up with Gwen. She seemed pretty excited about something.

Gwen: Hey, Y/n, Have you heard about that new Ghost-Spider?

Y/n: I have, she's pretty cool.

I didn't want to seem out of place so I just decided to say I liked Ghost-Spider to fit in.

Gwen: I know She's so amazing, I even heard she's hunting down that Spider-Man!

Y/n: Gwen are you sure that Spider-Man actually killed your father? I mean there's no evidence.

Gwen: I know what I saw! My father had his gun drawn and Spider-Man was injured holding his body!

Y/n: I just-

Gwen: What.

Y/n: I don't believe Spider-Man would do something like that. He's done so many great things over the years it's hard to believe he would just kill somebody.

Gwen: hmmp, well I know it's hard to believe but he did, Hopefully that Ghost-Spider kicks his ass.

Y/n: Yeah... (to himself) We'll see about that.


If you have any feedback please leave a comment and have a great day!

The Itsy' Bitsy' Spiders (Gwen Stacy x Male Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن