4-4 Going Home...

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A couple hours later...

Tony and Nebula walk over to Y/n who is still sitting over where Gwen had died. Tony puts his hand on Y/n's shoulder.

Tony: Kid, we got the ship ready. I know how you feel but we've got to get home.

Y/n: No.

Tony: Come on kid, We have to go.

Y/n gets up and turns around to Tony. Tony can see Y/n's grief stricken face.

Y/n: No, She's going to come back... They're all going to come back... We just have to wait.

Y/n has tears pouring down his face. Tony grabs Y/n's other shoulder and looks him in the eyes.

Tony: I'm sorry kid, They're not coming back.

Y/n: Am I just supposed to leave her here?

Tony: There's nothing to do kid. We have to go.

Y/n: I... I understand... Just let me do one last thing...

Tony: Alright, kid.

Y/n walks over to where Gwen had faded away and speaks out.

Y/n: Gwen? I don't know if you can hear me...

Y/n reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black box.

Y/n: I was going to give you this anyway... I think it's best that you have it...

He opens the box and pulls out a ring. He kneels down and places it on where she had passed and sticks it to a web locking it in place. He stands back up and looks down.

Y/n: I love you...

Nothing responds to Y/n but silence.

22 Days later...

Tony, Y/n, and Nebula were all on the ship floating through space. The ship had run out of fuel with them having no way to get home. Y/n was lying in a bed doodling in a notebook. He had already filled most of the notebook with drawings not knowing what else to do, but that and listen to Quill's old music. Y/n looked down at his drawings and flipped through the pages. All of them were of Gwen.

Y/n sighed and got up. He looked around the ship and sees Tony and Nebula playing finger football. Tony notices Y/n and turns to him.

Tony: Hey kid, You feeling better? Wanna play?

Y/n just looks down and walks away. He grabs some earbuds and puts them in he goes over to a bed and turns on some music. He pulls out his phone and scrolls through his photo album. He sees pictures of him and Gwen. He looks and finds one of them on Christmas. They were both wearing matching pajamas. Y/n looks at the photo and begins to cry. He is pulled out of his sorrow when he hears a BANG!!! on the side of the ship. Y/n gets up to check it out.

Tony: Hey kid! Can you go check on that? Nebula and I are wrapped up in this. It's a close game!

Y/n sighs and heads towards the back of the ship. He arrives to the room where he heard the bang and sees nothing out of the ordinary. He walks up to the window and sees a comet passing by. He turns around to leave and heads back to his bed. He lies down and cries himself to sleep.

On the other side of the room a black sludge slithers around. It locates Y/n and crawls towards him. A tendril wraps around Y/n's body and disappears. Y/n shoots awake. He looks at his suit which is now a glossy black with a white spider on his chest.

Y/n: What?

Y/n just goes to lie back down when a bright light peeks through his door. He goes outside his room and looks towards the main window of the ship where the light is coming from and sees Captain Marvel floating there.

The Itsy' Bitsy' Spiders (Gwen Stacy x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now