6-3 Endgame Part 2

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Outside Avengers HQ

Y/n sat on a doc near a lake. He was sitting on a bench with his head down. The other Avengers stood around him, watching him mourn. They wanted to help him but they didn't know how. This was the second time Y/n had watched the love of his life die in front of him. The air was filled with sorrow. Tony decided to be the first to speak up.

Tony: Do we know if she had any family?

Y/n responds with a emotionless voice without looking away from the ground.

Y/n: Yeah, her mom's dead and her dad disowned her.

The air fills with silence yet again. Steve tries to remain optimistic and speaks up.

Steve: What about her friends.

Y/n responds again, still without looking away from the ground.

Y/n: None, Her identity was revealed and now everyone in her universe thinks she's a murderer.

Y/n begins to cry.

Y/n: All she had... (Sniffles) was me. (Sniffles) And I couldn't save her.

The Avengers sit there as Y/n breaks out in tears. He eventually stands up and quickly turns around. He picks up the bench he was sitting on and throws it out into the lake in anger. He lets out a scream of anger and pain as he throws the bench. He falls to his knees again and begins to cry again, this time even harder than before.

Steve gets walks up to Y/n and pats him on the back to comfort him.

Steve: I'm sorry kid, I know how it feels. To lose someone you love the most. It feels... like there are no words to describe that pain, but I'm sure that wherever she is, she's happy. Happy that you get to live on to tell her story, to remember her. I'm know she's happy that she met you.

Y/n turns to Steve who now also had tears in his eyes. What Steve had said hit close to home for both of them. They both shared a friendly hug.

Y/n: Thanks Steve.

Steve: No problem kid.

Y/n broke the hug and turned around to face the rest of the avengers with a newfound determination in his eyes.

Y/n: Let's go bring back half the universe.

Hours Later in Avengers HQ...

Tony, Hulk, and Rocket were setting up the Iron Gauntlet and inserting the Infinity Stones inside. Once they successfully completed the Iron Gauntlet all the Avengers circled around it. They all pondered the inevitable question of what was next until Rocket blurted it out.

Rocket: All right. The glove's ready. Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?

Y/n: I'll do it

Tony: Excuse me?

Venom: We can handle this.

Y/n begins to walk forward towards the Iron Gauntlet and is held back by the Hulk.

Hulk: No, no, no, whoa. Stop. Stop. Wait a sec. Hey, hey

Steve calmly addresses Y/n

Steve: Wait, wait. Y/n, just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet.

Thor: I'm with the Spider. What, we're just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?

Scott: We should at least discuss it.

Y/n: No, no, sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everybody back.

Tony: It's not about that–

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