How you guys met!

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Song(s) : Gang Over Luv by Brent faiyaz
Godspeed by Frank ocean
Swim by Chase Atlantic


It was your first day of Hogwarts, arriving a year late due to family issues. Once your sorted into Slytherin you meet eyes with a boy, his face directed at yours, scars along his neck and face forcing him out perfectly, you try not to stare but you look back up seconds later, not being able to look away, his eyes still imprinted on you.

During your second day you're getting ready in your dorm and hear a knock, thinking it's Pansy, your new friend you open it, only in your skirt and a thin under shirt, your face drops when you see the boy from the first day "oh um, hi" you choke out he takes a second to examine you "hey, do you have dada notes?" He says his eyes avoiding yours "yeah, come in" he walks into your dorm and looks around while you look for the notes "here!" You turn around to face him and hold the notes out "here you go.." you smile and he looks at you and a grin breaks out on his face "thanks love, I'll see you later" he winks "wait- can I get your name? I'm y/n by the way" he chuckles "I know who you are, I'm mattheo" you both smile at each other, your eyes dancing around eachothers body's before he turns around and leaves you dorm without another word.


You didn't enjoy party's much, didn't make sense since you loved music and dancing but you'd much rather do that alone, so you suprised yourself when you agreed to go to the slytherin greeting party that Astoria had invited you to, you cried to yourself regretting your decision as you got dressed.

Once you leave your dorm you watch as everyone rushes out in a excited hurry, the loud crashes from the common room being heard from down the hall as you walk towards it.
You arrive at the room and the lights are off and the music is loud, Astoria no where in sight you walk towards the drinks and pour yourself some punch when someone bumps into you, you turn around, annoyed but when you see the face of who did it, your throat closed, his dead eyes stared into your soul, capturing your words "sorry doll" he laughed and waved his friends off you hadn't had realized that your drink had spilt on your shoes when you grabs the cup from your hand "come" he starts walking away and you follow.

He takes you to his dorm and had you sit on his bed "shoes?" He holds his hand out, you take them off and give them to him and he casts a spell and the stain disappears "woah, thanks a lot.." you stop at his name "Theo" he smiles softly "Theo..thanks theo, I'm y/n" he nods and you walk out of his dorm "I'll see you around doll" and you close his door.


"He's so cute" two girls giggle Infront of you in class, you ignore them having no idea who they're talking about "I can't believe he hasn't dated anyone here, it's been 4 years already, everyone wants him" they both scoff at the insanity "he's such a charmer though, Enzo is like Prince Charming"

Lorenzo, you'd heard of him a few times, in class and around the castle, but never actually seen or met him. After class you walk to the library and sit down and open your book, you tuck your feet into your chair and sit comfortably as you zone out everyone around you as they load into the library.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and it takes you a second to look up, a very handsome boy stands tall over you, a nervous look on his face "hi" you spit out he smiles still not saying anything "can I help you..?" You chuckle awkwardly "oh! Sorry, could I sit here, it's really busy" he scratches the back of his neck "of course, sit please" he thanks you and drops his bag next to his seat and opens his book, you glance over at him, his uniform is wrinkled, his tie loosened and his hair messy, yet he looks so put together, you put your head back down no longer being able to focus on your book.

Suddenly madam pince claps her hands loudly and everyone looks up "the library is closed, please head back to your dorm rooms" every sighs and groans but I just pack up my things and watch as the boy does the same, he looks at me and notices me staring and smiles "I'm Lorenzo by the way but just call me Enzo, thank for letting me sit with you" you giggle "I'm y/n, and it's no problem, your welcome to again" he smiles at you and you both walk back you your dorms.


You met Draco when you were young, your parents knew each other well as children but you and Draco never got along well, and one day Draco stopped showing up to any family gatherings you had and you never saw him again, until your first day of Hogwarts, you stepped into the dinning hall, everyone's heads turned as you stepped in including the familiar blond boy who didn't recognize you until you sat down Infront you you "no way.. y/n l/n" he scoffed in amazement "you look, so different" he smirks "don't get any ideas malfoy, you know we could never be friends" you chew your lip as you wait for his reply "who said I wanted to be your friend pretty" he grins at you.


Blaise saw you the first day of Hogwarts but intentionally avoided you for 4 years because of his inability to talk to women, you never noticed him much, you'd see him with his idiot friends often but they never paid attention towards you, which didn't bother you, but one day during class you were writing down your notes when snake called out your name "yes sir?" You held your quilt in between your fingers "you will be partners with Mr zabini" you nod and search the room for the semi familiar face, when you see him in the far corner staring at you you offer a small smile and he gulps and looks away.

Later that night you decide to go to Blaise's dorm, you walk up to draco, Blaise's best friend " well hi there y/n, what can I do for you" the patronizing attitude in his voice "I need to know Blaise's dorm number" his eyebrows raise and you roll your eyes "we have a project together" he hums the smirk not leaving his face "225 love, right next to mine, so keep it quiet" he whispers and you walk off annoyed by him.

You walk down the boys corridor and count the numbers in your head until you see 225, you take a deep Inhail and exhale before knocking, silence so you try again nothing not even a whisper from behind the door so you turn around to walk back to your dorm but you bump into a tall man, you look up and Blaise's confused face stares at yours "sorry, I was just" you stutter "just?" He wonders "we have the project so I though we could talk it over" you laugh awkwardly and he makes a "ah" motion with his mouth "well come in, we can talk" your simple as he holds the door for you.


You walk onto the astronomy tower for the third time that week, since you figured out that it existed you've been obsessed, coming out to see the stars every night and occasionally smoking stress free of anyone seeing you, this night your door against a poll and read your book when you hear the door open from the opposite side you mutter out worrying that a teacher might see you and you walk towards the exit "stop" you turn around and a boy with brown hair stares at you with worry in his eyes "I didn't mean to startle you, I can go" he gives you a half smile " No it's fine, I thought you were a teacher" he laughs "that would suck" You sit down and he joins you "it's late, why are you out here" he wonders "juts look, it's so beautiful" he stays quite "yeah, I usually go down to the black lake, but it's beauty up here as-well" You smile and examines your face "I've never went down to the black lake at this time before" you confess "I could show you" he keeps his heys on you "that would be fun" you say airy and he stands up and offers a hand "now?!" You scrunch your eyebrows "come on, it'll be fun" and you grab his hand.

(I'm not feeding your delusions babes)

You were in class and were seated next to him working on a experiment which didn't go well, yours exploded all over you and Tom "shit I'm so sorry" he glared at you and stood up and you walked out with him "don't follow me" he hissed "hey I apologized, you don't have to be an asshole" he turned around and backed you up against a wall "watch yourself bitch, I don't have time to handle children"

SLYTHERIN BOYS REACT On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara