When a guy kisses you at party

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You were at a raven claw party, dancing with a guy that you've never met, and after a few drinks you'd do about anything that sounded remotely fun so when the guy you were with asked is he could kiss you there was no reason drunk you could think that it would be a bad idea.

Mid kiss you realized that your over protective best friend was sitting just a few feet away, making his way over as you assumptions came true, Mattheo came forward and grabbed your hand pulling you behind him punching the guy you were with in the face.

"Mattheo, you didn't have to punch him" your slurred your words, laughing a little bit at your own stupidity "cmon baby, let's get you to bed" you hummed and he carried you to your dorm and made sure you were safe in bed before going back to his own dorm.

You had tried to convince Theo to dance with you at a party and after he refused multiple times he assumed you would join him on the couch to talk and relax but when you decided to dance with another guy he regretted his decision.

Theos glare stayed on the guy you were with as he pushed drink after drink into your hand, he tightened his fist watching as your balance weakened and your feet started to stumble and once you were drunk enough theo decided it was best to bring your back to your dorm untill the guy kissed you.

Theo rushed up and over to you, pushing the guy to the floor and picking you up "really had to wait till she was wasted to get her to kiss you huh?" Theo laughed at the anger on his face as he carried your out bridal style, kissing you on the forehead so gently and putting you in bed.

Enzo asked you to go to the party and with minimal persuasion you agreed, you stayed together for awhile but when he went to get drinks someone took your hand to the dance floor, you saw no harm in it so you danced together.

Enzo slowly coming back, frowned as he watched you dance with him, going to sit down you noticed him and prepared to leave your dance partner and go with Enzo but when he pulled you in and kissed you you pushed him off watching as Enzo's face steadied you shook you head at him letting him know you were fine.

You walked away and took your drink form enzo and you both walked out of the party, and to the astronomy tower, where he let you borrow his jacket.

You had been dragged to a ravenclaw party by your best friend, you only intended on staying an hour but when you realized that Draco was there you smiled, and forgot about your made up timeline.

You got a drink and headed over to Draco but a clearly drunk Hufflepuff stopped and your grabbed your shoulder "hey there beautiful" he hiccuped you laughed and tried to shake him off but when he didn't budge your face dropped and he leaned in and kissed you.

You tried to push him away but he didn't move untill a second later he was on the floor, Draco standing tall over him, he wrapped his arm around you and walked you out "thank you" you looked at him and he smiled "don't mention it" he grumbled and he walked you back to your dorm.

You had arrived at a slytherin party late, planning on only staying an hour or two to appease your friends, you danced and drank when you finally spotted regulus watching your movements closely, a small comforting smile on his face.

You smile as you start to walk over and guy holding your shoulder back, his breath hitting your face and you scrunch your nose up at the smell, you watch regulus out of the corner of your eye as he stand up cautiously, not sure what move to make.

The man moves in to kiss you and he push him away when regulus storms over before the guy gets another go at you "back the fuck up" he stands hovering infront of you his arms crossed one moving over your shoulder once he gives up, regulus smiles down at you and invited you to join him in the corner of the room.

Tbh Tom wouldn't go to party but we delusional here

You begged Tom to accompany you to a party, after many bribes and lots of persuasion he finally agreed, one hour is all he promised and you agreed.

You walked in together and he went to get drinks when you stayed by the window, looking out to the night a feel a presence around you, a guy you had known for a few weeks came stumbling over "oh hey" you said he grumbled something his hand landed on your cheeks and he forced your faces together, he pushed him away and he fell onto the floor, thinking for a split second you had pushed him to hard you look over at Tom, the smaller smirk on his face as he motioned for you to follow him out into the hallway were you lingered around before going to your dorms.

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