they ask you to be their gf!

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Song(s): Leave a light on by Tom walker
Stay (with me) by Montell fish
Godspeed by Frank Ocean


- would hype himself up in the mirror that morning

- his friends would convince him to go through with it

- he would deff pussy out at least 4 times before actually doing it

You sat in the common room after classes ended, and you had your headphones in while reading your potions book and studying, you tend to focus more outside your dorm so people were used to seeing you there a lot, while music blasted in your ears you see your owl come flying through the window and sit by the couch with a note in its beak, you take off your headphones and take the note from the birds beak as she flys away, the note says " to y/n" on the outside and you open it cautiously

Dear y/n, please meet me at my dorm tonight at 7:30 pm
I'll be waiting for you, my love

you smile wide and look around and see an empty room, you check the time and close your book and go to your dorm to get ready, you do your makeup and put on black flair pants with a brown fluffy sweater a black top under neither, you put your hair up and spray yourself with your favourite perfume, wondering why Mattheo wants you over.

you check the time once again and it says 7:30 exactly you leave your dor, and walk towards his, you knock on the door, your heat beat increases as you hear his foot steps get closer, he opens the door and his face is full of excitement, you smile, his happiness coursing through you he startes at you and invites you in "thanks" you say awkwardly but when you step into the room your eyes widen, roses cover the room and you favorite music plays, you suddenly look back at mattheo who moves in front of you "mattheo, what is this?" you ask " y/n, the other night at the restaurant was one of the best nights of my life" you smile "it was for me to" he hold on of your hands and steps closer "you're the only person whos been able to look, my past my father" he sighs "I've never felt so appreciated and valued before" tears prick your eyes and you put your hand on his cheek and he relaxes into it "so, y/n will you be my girlfriend?" you smile wide and nod your head fast "yes! yes i will" you hug him and he holds you close and smiles into your neck.


- acts super chill about it around his friends
-panics in his dorm all-day
-skips all his classes with you so he doesn't freak out

You were in your dorm doing your work but your mind wandered, you wondered why you hadn't seen Theo that day, he wasn't sick because he was in the halls, just far from you.

You frown thinking that he regretted the previous night, you purse your lips trying to consider what you could've done to scare him away, you sigh and close your book and lie on your bed staining at your ceiling and analyzing the patterns when a knock is heard at your door, you stand up and make your way over and open the door and Theo stands outside looked shaken and jittery "are you alright theo" you ask "I'm a fine doll, follow me" he says and you close your door and follow him.

When you reach the astronomy tower you've seen a million times you smile, and the beautiful sunset brightens yours and threos eyes as you stare into the horizon, you turn to him "Theo.. what's going on, I haven't seen you all day" he looks towards you, his face still yet full of emotion "I have to ask you something" you nod letting him speak "ever since our date" he says and you look into his eyes confused at what he's getting at you grab on of his hands and he immediately squeezes your hand gently "ever sconce, you've been stuck on my mind" you smile and his face lights up a little the red ish orange light brightening his skin "I want you to be mine, I wan to be your boyfriend, I don't want anyone else, I need you" your eyes dampen and you smile and let out a happy laugh "I would love that Theo, I wanna be your girlfriend" he smiles so hard and kisses your forehead and you cuddle and watch the sun set.

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