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[Luca POV]
Dady let me hold his hand the rest of the time at the fishy home, and after we dropped off Jess and Auggie, he let me sit in the front seat. When we got home, he was really nice to me, and I liked it a lot. I like it way more than when he doesn't want my cuddles or affection.
"Oh, come here, baby," He softly cooed at me after I had to go run back out and grab Oliver from the car. I giggled and climbed onto his lap before my phone rang. I didn't know what to do and just stared at Dady until he picked it up, setting it on speaker.
"Hey! Is this Luca?" A familiar voice asked. I was trying to place it for a few moments before he said we met at Meadows. It's Pheonix! I was suddenly big. I don't even know why. He knows what age regression is. We talked about it in there. Well, really, he brought it up, and I said I knew what it was, then he asked me if I did it. I didn't want to lie, so I told him yes. Regardless, though, Jacob handed me the phone.

"Hi Luca! Me and Charlie are going to a water park since my sister works there and it's the last few weeks of summer. We're fine paying for you and your boyfriend to come if you wanna. It's just gonna be me and Charlie," He offered, making me speechless for a second.
"Oh my God. Are you serious?!" I asked, unable to believe he's being genuine.
"Hell yeah, I am! I'll send you the address, but we're going this Sunday," He agreed. I looked up at Jacob as if to silently ask if that's okay. He nodded quickly, so I agreed that we'd text about the details some more but that we were down before telling him goodbye. Goddamn, I am making so many social plans this week.
"You gonna wear a bikini?" He teasingly asked me after I hung up.
"Yeah, my dick won't fall out of that or anything," I sarcastically agreed, smiling a little.
"Hey, it's worth asking," He defended himself, gently pushing me off his lap while he went to the kitchen.
"What are these two guys like?" Jacob asked, louder than normal to make sure I heard him.
"Pheonix is blunt. I mean, that's the easiest way to describe it, but he's not mean. Charlie is super sweet. He doesn't have a whole lotta friends, but he's a really nice guy. Just quiet," I explained, matching his volume.

On the day of the trip, Jacob woke me up at 10 am to get ready. And with the combination of being sleepy and Jacob telling me step by step what to do, I slipped. I couldn't help it! He was babying me...
"Go get your swim trunks, baby," He instructed me, sitting on the floor in front of the bed with a backpack for our stuff. He also packed the same stuff to occupy me as he made me take to the aquarium. I dug out the new swim trunks Dady bought me and handed them over, sitting next to him.
"What is it, baby?" He asked as I rested my head in his shoulder.
"Hold you..." I whined.
"Aww, is my baby still sleepy?" He asked, rubbing my side and sending shivers up my spine.
"Mhm.." I mumbled. He kissed my forhead and got up, going to get things from the bathroom. He came back with towels, my hairbrush, and sunscreen.
"Come on. If we're gonna meet them there on time, we gotta go," Dady told me, zipping the backpack and putting on. I rubbed my face and stood up, following him to the front door. He helped me tie my shoes before taking me out to his truck.

The whole time that Dady was driving, I drew pictures. They were mostly doodles, but I still showed Dady every time he stopped. We pulled into the parking lot, and I saw Pheonix and Charlie standing next to their car.
"That's them?" Dady asked. I showed him a picture of them from their social media, so he had a general idea of what they looked like.
"Ya!" I said, kicking my feet. Dady parked the truck the row across from them and let me get out. Dady made me change into my swim trunks on the ride over, so now my regular shorts are in the bag, and I just have a big T-shirt on with them. Dady didn't have to change cus he was already dressed to swim when he woke me up.
"Luca!" Pheonix exclaimed as I dragged Dady over to them.
"Hi hi!" I said, waving at Charlie.
"My sister gets off in an hour, so we gotta go like now," He said before leading us up to the front desk where you pay.
I held onto Dady's hand the entire time that Pheonix and Charlie made conversation with his sister while his card went through.
"Who's that?" She asked, looking at me.
"Luca. Do you remember the guy I talked to you about at Meadows?" He reminded her, causing her look of confusion to change to realization.
"Oh yeah. I'm Lucy," She said, smiling a little. Pheonix took his card out and told her that he'd see her later before walking back to the pool through the shower room. I'm so glad I'm not barefoot in here. I'm also glad my hair's been red long enough it won't bleed color anymore.

I slipped off my shoes while Dady and Pheonix and Charlie talked about whatever. I think they're boosting his ego about his truck. I'm really happy they're getting along. By the time I pulled my shirt off, all three of them had jumped into the deep end. I stood on the edge, right in front of Dady.
"Come here, Baby," He said, holding his arms out for me. I held onto his shoulders and let him lift me into the pool. They're in the 6 foot deep end, so I couldn't touch the bottom. Neither could Charlie, but he can swim. So I begged Jacob to hold me.
"Well, I don't wanna drown!" I said, making Pheonix laugh.
"Oh, you don't?" Jacob asked before scooping me up.

At some point, the three of them were rough housing while I held onto the wall of the pool, and a little toddler ran up to me. He looked probably 4 years old.
"I can't find my mommy!" He cried, tears streaming down his face.
"Hang on, Honey. I'll help you!" I quickly agreed, pulling myself out of the pool. I scraped my knee against the wall, but I didn't pay attention to it. This little kid takes priority over my scrape.
"What's your name?" I asked, picking him up after he reached for me.
"Wyatt.." He softly cried.
"We're gonna find your Mommy," I soothed him, rubbing his back.
"Is it okay if my friend helps us find her too?" I asked, seeing Jacob was still playing rough. The little boy nodded a little, burying his head in my shoulder.
"Jacob!" I called, getting his and the other two guys' attention.

He quickly made his way over to me, climbing out of the pool.
"He needs to find his mom," I explained, rocking him a little.
"Do you know where she was last?" He asked, crouching down so he was more my height.
"The slide!" Wyatt cried. I quickly turned to look for where the water slide was, spotting one and seeing a woman in a black and white striped one piece.
"Is that her, bubba?" I asked, pointing over to her. He quickly nodded, so me and Jacob quickly walked towards her. I really didn't want to get yelled at for running.
"Excuse me!" Jacob exclaimed as we approached her. Her and the lifeguard she was talking to turned to look at us.
I put a little more pep in my step and hurried over to her.
"Wyatt, baby!" She exclaimed, holding her arms out for him. I quickly handed her over, feeling my heart beat substantially slow down.

"Thank you!" She shouted, pulling me into a tight hug.
"Oh, of course! It's no problem!" I reassured her.
"Here," She said, pulling her wallet from her bag.
"No, no, it's okay! You don't have to do that!" I tried to reassure her. But she didn't listen. She handed me a twenty before telling me that's the only cash she had on her. She thanked me again and hugged me tight before leaving quickly. I turned to Jacob, my mouth agape.
"Congrats," the lifeguard mumbled nonchalantly before getting back to letting kids down the slide.
We spent the twenty on food from the consession stand. I ate most of my lunch but let Jacob have the rest of mine.

The rest of the time at the water park was uneventful. Jacob made me go down the water slide with the rest of them. It was one of the slides where you take inflatable tubes down, and I got water up my nose, but that's pretty normal activities for a water park.
Eventually, I got worn out. I whined and clung to Jacob. All four of us got out to get ring pops cause they were a dollar a piece, and I still had like 5 and some change. I didn't even open mine. I just sat next to everyone at one of the tables and leaned on Jacob. I need a nap.
"Are you tired," Charlie softly asked. I didn't open my eyes. I just nodded a bit.
"I should probably get him home then," Javob mumbled, standing up and adjusting the backpack he was carrying. He held my hand, and I waved bye for a little before I followed Jacob to the truck.

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