Thank Yall

701 13 4

This ain't a update. I'm just lookin back at this story.

Y'all, I was a junior in high school. That was the last I posted a chapter.

I was 17
I'm 21 now

Goodness almighty, it's crazy how this story reached 700k reads.

I read back the story and was shakin my head. Saying what the hell was I thinking.

It's crazy cause, I was reading some fanfics and thought, man I can 100% do better than this. And now I look back on it and think I'm a dumbass. And how the hell can y'all read this.

I remember deleting southern terms a lot. I'm southern and apparently I have an accent and a lot of slang/drawl. So it was hard making this without being southern. Couldn't use y'all or ain't or say daggummit or ya heard or shitfire.

You'd understand you were from the south.

I wanted to delete the story because of cringe but I still notifications of people adding this to there list. So that would be unfair.

I can't remember how I wanted this story to go but I remember wanting Mito to kill Naruto she would get Naruto's power somehow. That's it.

Anyway, I was just going down memory road and wanted to post this.

Thank y'all for reading.

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