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Guys, trigger warning for throwing up and stuff. It's not graphic, but it is mentioned.

[Jacob POV]
When we got home, Luca instantly was sleeping. He didn't even bother to go to our bedroom; he just passed out on the couch. So, while he was sleeping, I took off my wet clothes and watched a video on YouTube. It was about some sort of drama about different creators on the platform.
"Mm Dady!" He eventually whined, rubbing his face against my side. He had only been asleep for about an hour and a half, but I didn't make him lay back down.
"Oh, are you all done, baby? No more nap?" I asked, very much babying him. He nodded and reached up for me, pouting a little.
"Aw, my baby just needs his dady," I mumbled as I picked him up, letting him rest against my shirtless chest. I was only wearing sweatpants since I didn't feel like putting jeans on halfway through the day.
"You're burning up..." I mumbled, his hot face against my chest. "Do you feel sick?"

I stood up and carried him to the bathroom, opening the cabinet and grabbing a thermometer.
"Ewww," He whined, holding his belly. I turned the thermometer on and let it zero out for a second.
"Open your mouth," I instructed him, sticking the plastic under his tongue. I made him hold it in his mouth until it beeped, indicating it was done reading his temperature.
"101.7" I mumbled, sighing a bit. I set it down on the sink, hearing him start to gag and dry heave. I instantly pulled him down from the sink and set him in front of the toilet. After a few seconds of thinking about what to do next, I grabbed a hair tie and pulled his hair back into a ponytail.
"Shhh... You're okay," I soothed him, rubbing his back as he actually threw up.

"Come here, my baby," I softly whispered after he was done, picking him up and carrying him to the living room. "Lay down, baby," I brought him a small throw blanket from the bedroom and let him put it over himself however he needed.
I set the trashcan in front of the couch for him in case he needed it.
"Dady, 'm hungry," He pouted, holding his belly.
"Baby, I don't want you to throw it up again.." I tried to explain. He didn't argue. He just rested his head in his arms, crying just a little.
"If we can go for thrity minutes and you don't throw up, I'll make you something. Okay?" I negotiated. He nodded a little, rubbing his face.
"You must've caught a stomach bug..." I mumbled, checking the time on my phone. I seriously don't want to deprive my boyfriend of food when he normally never wants to eat, but I also don't want him to vomit it all up the second he eats it.

"Try water for right now, baby. See if that helps your belly feel a bit better," I suggested. He nodded a little and took a small sip from the water I gave him a few minutes ago.
"Dady... hold you," He cried, reaching for me.
"Okay. I can't give you any kisses, though. I don't wanna get sick," I agreed, pulling him gently into my lap. I moved the trashcan over closer to where he was sitting now.

We got to the thirty minute mark, and Luca looked up at me with puppy dog eyes.
"I'll make you something easy to eat, baby," I reassured him, gently setting him down off my lap. I just made instant Ramen and gave him Saltine Crackers, setting it on the coffee table in front of the couch. He sat on the floor, taking small little bites. Gradually building up how big of a bite he took at a time.
"There you go, baby... My perfect little boy," I reassured him after he was done. I went ahead and changed the video to a Disney movie. I put on Princess and The Frog, but he covered his eyes and ears when there was food on screen.
"Just breathe, baby. You'll be okay," I gently guided him through the scenes. The scenes with food are making him feel nueases, and with him having already thrown up, I wanted to take his sole focus off the feeling the scenes gave him. He finished most of his food, so I made sure to praise him for it. This boy needs to start eating, and I figured that may help.
"Good job, baby. You're such a good boy. My precious little baby," I said, picking up his bowl and tossing what he didn't eat down the sink.

"I gotta work tomorrow. Can you get through it by yourself until Dady gets off?" I asked as he laid down for bed in our room. He nodded a little, but I was skeptical.
"Mkay, baby. You can just call me or Spade if you need to. Okay?" I reminded him. He nodded and rubbed his face, so I let him be so that he could get to sleep. I just hope he doesn't get sad while I'm gone like last time. Seriously, it hurts me to see him so upset like that. And it especially hurts me to see him hurt himself. And the next morning, I made sure to remind him.
"You remember to call Dady or call Spade. Okay?" I said, making him nod a tiny bit. He's still sluggish and sick, so I didn't expect much more. "I'll be home by 8. I promise," I rubbed his head and left for work, getting in my truck and wasting no time.

[Luca POV]

Dady had to go to work and said to call him or Spade if I needed help. Or if I get sad. So I kept my phone right next to me on the bed. I really didn't have much I could do or that I wanted to do since I was basically bedridden. I decided to text Pheonix and tell him thanks for yesterday. It wasn't at all a long text since I was already fighting going back to sleep again.
'Thx for yesterday. It was a lot of fun. Jacob said it was good 2 meet u both.'-Luca
And that's all I sent before passing back out.

When I woke up from my nap, it was because I was having this horrible nightmare, and it wouldn't stop. It was where I'm all alone at home, and Kayden broke in and hurt me. In the dream, it was very vivid. He put his penis in me again and he was really mad I didn't talk to him anymore. I couldn't ignore it, and I needed Dady. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I jumped up, grabbed my phone, and instantly dialed Dadys number.
"Pick up.. please pick up," I quietly begged, on the verge of tears. I grabbed Oliver while it rang.
"Mmm, sorry if I get you sickies," I mumbled, holding him close to my chest. I waited and tried my best to be patient. Then Dady finally picked up.
"Dady!" I cried, pushing myself into the corner of the room.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He quickly asked.
"Nightmare..." I whined, rubbing my eyes.
"Oh, baby. It was bad, huh? Do you need to tell me about it?" He asked.
"Kayden... a-and he hurts me," I tried to explain with the limited vocabulary I have.
"Shh, Bubba. I'm here. He can't hurt you cause I won't let him," Dady reassured me.
"Home..?" I asked, making him sigh.
"I've got a while, Baby. See if Spade can come over. Okay? I shouldn't even be on my phone right now," He informed me.
"Mtay.. love you, Dady," I whispered before he hung up. So I tried calling Spade like Dady told me to.

"Hi, Bubba!" Spade greeted me.
"H-hi..." I hiccuped, pulling my knees up to my chest. I hadn't stopped crying.
"What's wrong, Hun?" He asked.
"Dady said to call you cus he no talk to me at work... but I-I had a nightmare," I explained. Spade kept me on the phone for a while longer before suggesting he come over to the apartment.
"You sure? I no wanna make you.." I double-checked, sniffling some.
"Of course, Bubs. I'll be there in probably half an hour. Can you make it that long?" He insisted.
"Ya... I'll try," I agreed. He finally hung up, so I cuddled Oliver for until he showed up.

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