Statement on Copyright Infringement

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Statement on Copyright Infringement and My Writing on Wattpad and Inkitt

I'd like to address a pressing issue that has affected me deeply: copyright infringement and unauthorised copying of my novels on some websites like It is disheartening to see my hard work being taken without my consent and shared online without the proper recognition it deserves. As an author, I value the integrity of my work, and I believe that every writer should have the right to control the distribution and use of their creations.

To tackle this issue and protect my intellectual property, I have decided to make a significant change in how I share my work on platforms like Wattpad and Inkitt. From now on, all content published on these platforms will be limited to teasers or unpolished drafts. These versions will serve as a means to gather feedback from beta readers and engage with my dedicated readership before I move on to the next stage of my writing process.

The true essence of my work, the final polished drafts, will be reserved for offline development, with the ultimate goal of querying them to publishing houses. Only when my novels are officially published will they be presented in their error-free, refined state. Additionally, I plan to include special chapters, referred to as "bonuses", which will introduce intriguing new adventures and spinoffs that have never before seen the light of day.

I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of my readers who have supported me throughout my writing journey. Your encouragement and enthusiasm mean the world to me. 😊

Thank you for understanding and standing with me in this endeavour to protect my creative work and share it in the best possible way. Together, we can foster a community that respects the rights and efforts of all writers.


Mar Saumell

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