12 - Paused

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The rest of the week passed the same as Monday—work, practice, and do it all again.

I showed Owen the wonders of TikTok—he wasn't impressed and mostly just kept asking, why? When I met Nolan at his gym one morning before work, Owen was shocked to see so many women lifting weights—he was impressed with that, and called them badass chicks.

Owen used our free time to relive more hunts so I could study the mimics and how they fought. After experiencing some of the things he'd been through, I learned that he'd earned his cocky attitude and had the ability to back it up. It made me even more grateful to be on his side when he decided we'd be hunting soon.

Our only plan for now was to people-watch in town; there'd be no reason to interact. If there was a mimic, Owen would be able to tell, but that'd start tomorrow. Tonight was my date with Emily. I'd been excited about it all week; enough that it'd been a source of teasing from Owen, but I didn't care.

After showering, I changed into a lightweight t-shirt that felt great after sweating in my work polo all day. The temperature was expected to stay in the nineties even after dark, and I hoped Emily wouldn't want to have dinner on a restaurant patio.

I worked some styling cream through my hair and Owen grumbled, "Do you always have to use that stuff?"

"Yeah, dude." I chuckled. "This finished-but-not-overly-sculpted style doesn't just happen. Plus, it smells nice." I flexed my arms in front of me and winked at my reflection.

Owen muttered, "Ridiculous."

"Pretty sure you meant hot."

"Unlikely. So, we're not practicing at all?"

"It's already seven, and there's no way I'll be late picking Emily up. When we get home, we'll practice as much as you want, but she's first today."

Owen huffed. "Fine."


At eight I stood in Emily's foyer chatting with her mom about how the sun was baking her petunias this year even though they usually thrived in the heat. I don't know anything about flowers, but I smiled and tried to pay attention, grateful that she was much friendlier than I'd originally expected.

My heart fluttered as Emily skipped down the stairs, making her shiny blonde curls bounce around her shoulders, stealing my focus.

"Hey, Bash!"

She wore a baby blue tank top with lace trim on the neckline and tiny tan shorts that showed off her toned legs and made my throat go dry.

"Let me know when the date is over." Owen checked out without me having to ask.

I grinned at Emily. "Hi! Are you ready?"

"Yep, let's go! Bye." She sped past her mom without slowing. After a hasty goodbye, I hurried out the door to catch up.

Her arm brushed mine as I helped her climb in before striding to the driver's side. I could feel her eyes on me as I settled in and turned the key. Nerves had me biting my lip before I said, "You look beautiful."

She beamed. "Thanks! I made Mom buy me this top and a bunch of the super expensive makeup Lauren uses."

Chuckling, I rested my hand behind her and twisted to see through the rear glass while backing out of the long driveway. I caught her blushing and wondered what she was thinking. "You're pretty with or without all that stuff."

"Aw, that's sweet, but I know. I'm going to give it to Lauren. Honestly, I was just mad about this stupid trip they're forcing me to go on, and happy to waste their money on stuff I don't want."

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