13 - Same

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Seconds later, Owen grabbed Lilla and pulled her close. "You were gone! I saw you die!" His voice broke, and she wrapped him in a hug.

"I'm sorry. I should've told you, but I didn't know if it would work."

My thumbs ran along her cheekbones as Owen studied her. "It's really you." He leaned down to rest my forehead on Lilla's. "I didn't think I'd ever see you again," he whispered, fighting back tears.

I'd never felt Owen so emotional, not even about his own death, so I silently let them have their reunion. Owen had clearly glossed over some details of their relationship. This wasn't only his grandmother's friend. He loved her—I could feel it.

Owen wrapped my arms around Lilla, and she snuggled against me. Burying my nose in her hair, he breathed deeply, my muscles relaxing as he seemed content for the first time since I'd met him.

"God, I missed holding you," he whispered.

Tears filled her eyes. "I missed you too." Her palm moved up my chest and my mouth crashed into hers. My hands slipped down her sides as they kissed, and she let out a slight hum as he squeezed her hips and lifted her onto my lap.

I snapped out of my shock. "Hey! Whoa! Not your body, remember?" They ignored me as Owen undid the top buttons of her shirt and my lips trailed down her neck. "Stop! Not cool, Owen!"

He froze, panting. "Shit, man, sorry." Owen smirked at Lilla. "I got carried away."

She blushed and shifted onto the seat. "That's alright, so did I. Please forgive us, Bash."

"It's okay. I get it, I guess. Hug all you want, but it'd be great if you didn't use my body to make out."

"It's the only body I have," Owen grumbled.

"Same, dude."

"I said I was sorry. It won't happen again." Owen scratched my eyebrow and examined the dash.

Lilla broke the strange tension. "Why don't we go somewhere we can talk?"

"Your house, Bash?" Owen asked.

"My dad's there. It'll be fine as long as we don't wake him up."

"Don't worry, dear. He'll sleep soundly tonight," Lilla said.

"Can she hear me?" I asked.

Lilla chuckled. "Yes, she can."

"This is so weird," I said as she settled herself in the middle with her arm wrapped around mine, and we drove home.


As we filed into the bright kitchen, I asked, "You're positive my dad will stay asleep?"

"Yes, he'll sleep until I lift the magic when I leave, then he'll wake as usual." Lilla smiled, but I couldn't help but think that was a little scary.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Owen said. "There's sweet iced tea. Or are you hungry?"

He brushed her hair back and tucked it behind her ear before gliding my thumb down her cheek. He kept touching her, but it was harmless enough. Not something I'd do, but at least they weren't making out.

She grinned up at him. "I'm fine. You can stop looking at me as though I'll disappear."

"The last time I saw you, you did disappear." He gazed into her eyes, and her face softened.

Glancing down, she slid her small hand into mine. "I never deserved you, Owen."

He shook his head, but she kept talking. "My coven told me the spell they performed to freeze my aging would also protect my life and save me from death until the monsters were finished, but I was afraid to trust in that."

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