guess our fearless captin cant do everything

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GRIFF: Nice try. Nice try. That was cute. I guess he holds a grudge.
*Everyone continues working out*
ELO: Jade. We need to talk right now.
*I walk over to where she's standing as everyone continues working out*
ELO: I decided to do some extra homework last night, turns out you fell off your board in the middle of your heat last year?
JADE: Something was wrong with my board, am I seriously getting in trouble because of this?
ELO: That's strike one, I need someone who makes sure there ready for what there about to do when they get in the water. Especially because I've seen you scoff and roll your eyes at me all day. So step up or Summer will take your place. Got it?
JADE: Whatever.
*I walk off to where the rest of the team is*
ELO: Okay everyone attention! Right, so, ten years ago, aerial surfing was underground. And now it's pretty much expected on the men's tour. And by the time you guys turn pro, air revs and full rotations, they're gonna be expected for the girls too.
*Wren goes on the thing that makes up go up and she starts jumping*
BODHI: Go Wren! You got this!
*Wren glances at Bodhi and jumps into the pit thing (😭) and lands terribly*
POPPY: Bit of an anti-climax
*Poppy whispers to me and Bodhi and I laugh kinda loud making everyone look at me*
ELO: You're not even trying. And Jade since something's so funny you get up here and do it.
JADE: Okay fine.
*I start jumping on the trampoline thing and I do a flip in the air and land way better*
SUMMER: 'Guess our fearless captain can't do everything
*I laugh and get off the landing thing and walk back next to Poppy*
POPPY: That was so good!
JADE: Thanks
ELO: Yes, Jade good technique. That's more like it.
ELO: Now you, Summer.
*Summer jumps and she does a turn thing in the air and lands perfectly and Elo says basically the same thing and Summer goes to where Wren is standing*
SUMMER: Not bad for an entitled brat.
WREN: Oh, so you can flip upside down?
ELO: Bax, you're up.
WREN: My eight-year-old cousin can do that.
SUMMER: You must really hate her too, then.
*Bax does a backflip thing and lands perfect too and everyone claps*
*As Im walking to head home I overhear someone talking and they sound familiar so I kinda hide a little and listen in*
WREN: You realize Summers a total kook, right? She shouldn't even be a sub, she's gonna loose us the title, Elo.
ELO: Funny. Because I think her and her sister is going to be one of the reasons we could win it. And I think they're gonna be really good for you.
WREN: What does that mean?
ELO: Well, you always work better when someone challenges you. Someone pushes you. Alright, guys! Let's go for a surf. It is pumping out there.
BAX: Nah, I've been training all day, mate. Man's gotta eat.
ELO: Bax.
BAX: Oh, you want me to run some laps? Maybe pick up some rubbish? I think someone left refuse under the car. Want me to crawl under there?
*That makes me laugh but I cover my mouth quickly*
ELO: You think I'm being too tough on you?
BAX: No.
ELO: Listen, we are gonna make Queensland sorry that they threw you away.
*She says holding his face with one hand*
ELO: But I need you focused. I need you on board. I need you both on board.
*Wren nods and then so does Bax as he starts walking away from them as I quickly jog after him*
JADE: Hey Bax!
BAX: Oh hey
JADE: Everything okay?
BAX: Yeah
JADE: Okay, well I just wanted to say I'm really happy for you and Summer
BAX: We broke up.
JADE: Wait what? What the hell happened
BAX: It was a mistake. We both like someone else
JADE: Oh okay well I'm sorry you guys broke up.
BAX: It's not like it's your fault.
*I hug Bax and for an awkward like 2-3 minutes we just stare at each other*
JADE: I should probably get home, Summer and Margot might start to worry, Ill see you later, Bax.
BAX: Okay, bye.
*I get home to hear Summer*
SUMMER: Ma, come on, we can't let this house go to waste.
MARGOT: I said no parties.
JADE: How about a team bonding? Not a party it'll be totally chill!
SUMMER: Yeah! And, we promise to keep it outside. Come on, it's exactly what we spoke about with Dr Cross- "developing healthy relationships with like-minded peers".
*Summer drops the thing that goes to the grill*
MARGOT: Ooh! Careful with that.
JADE: So, permission granted?
MARGOT: Well, Abbie did invite me for drinks. But I feel like they're trying to set me up with one of their tattooed tradie mates.
SUMMER: Ay! Get in, Ma!
JADE: She means, you're more than welcome to stay if you want.
SUMMER: Yeah, totally. You could be the Salad Queen to my Grill Master.
MARGOT: No, and no. If anyone's running the grill it's Jade. She has the experience.
JADE: Im totally fine with that.
MARGOT: Alright. You guys have to keep everything outside.
JADE: We will thank you so much mom!
MARGOT: No glasses by the pool. And no shenanigans.
SUMMER: Ma, we're legit athletes now. Our bodies are our temple, right Jade?
JADE: Uh sure- Summer I need to talk to you, alone.
SUMMER: Okay, love you, Ma.

ABBIE: Make sure he asks her lots of questions.
THOMMO: As in, board games or cards?
ABBIE: As in, why did you get into photography? What made you move to New York? Cheese or chocolate?
THOMMO: Just remember, Lukas is more of a listener than a talker.
ABBIE: We're trying to prove that Shorehaven is a cool place to live, with interesting men who can have conversations about more than fishing and offshore wind.
HONEY: So, let me get this straight. Your setting Margot up with one of Dads surfer mates, on games night, and you think this will make Shorehaven lkkk cool?
THOMMO: Lukas doesn't really surf. He... boogie boards.
ABBIE: Lets not mention that.
THOMMO: Honey, do you wanna see if the love birds wanna poké?
HONEY: Okay.
THOMMO: Poké, okay!
HONEY: Poké, okay!

*We go into the house to talk*
JADE: So... how are you and Bax?
SUMMER: Is that what you wanted to talk to me about? We're great.
JADE: I just wanted to see if you'd lie
(I don't think there's rly gonna be any important A/N so i'll let y'all know when or if one of them is!)

word count: 1152

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