so tell me?!

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JADE: Why do you hate me so much? I mean, really? Because you were a bitch to me before this thing between me and Bax, so tell me?!
ELO: Do you want to be benched?
*I scoff and look at everyone who's looking at us and then I look back at Elo*
JADE: Why do you always use surfing against me when I confront you?!
ELO: You can go with your little friends we're done here.
*I roll my eyes and walk back to everyone*
ELO: Listen, this is our last chance before Nationals-
*Bax puts his hand around my waist but I don't even look at him, i'm way too mad right now. Not even at him just in general.*
ELO: -to see some of your interstate rivals in action, yeah?
BAX: Yeah. Spoiler alert. They're better than you guys.
ELO: And not to mention all the big sponsors are here watching. So every comp, every heat, is an opportunity. Don't waste it.
*The siren blares*
ELO: Alright, let's go, let's do this!
*Everyone cheers and applauses as we all watch Marlon, Bax, and Griff surf*
ANNOUNCER: Heat 1 of the Under-18 Boys and we are frothing! Levins, in yellow, the charger from Cronulla finds his line. Oh! How is this kid still getting better?! And Bax Radic wants a piece of the action.
*Everyone cheers*
ANNOUNCER: Big layback snap! Sousa and Temple just being outgunned right now. Levins and Radic through to the quarters...
SPONSOR: Well, a bunch of new swimwear's just come through so I'm pitching a few up-and-comers for a Byron shoot. I'm thinking you, Poppy maybe-
BODHI: Are you kidding? That sounds incredible. Id love to get some action shots for my socials.
SPONSOR: Action shots?

: I made the state team, obviously, and I've been working on more explosive maneuvers.
SPONSOR: Uh... Look, if you're wanting us to pivot and push you as more of a performance surfer, that means better results in comps like this.
BODHI: I know. And that's why I've been putting the work in. I promise the results will follow.
ANNOUNCER: Our local boys really feeling the squeeze today. Couple of minutes left in this heat. Tommy Ahmed really needs a complete ride. And yellow up. Needs a big score here.
*He falls in the water*
ANNOUNCER: Oh! But it won't be that one!
OTHER SPONSOR: Look, the issue is, mate, Blu Gravity already has a pretty stacked roster in Victoria.
ARI: Yeah. Yeah, no. Uh... fair enough.
WREN: Loopy. Come on. Are you seriously gonna risk loosing Ari to another sponsor? I mean, out of the guys he's the best junior surfer in the state. And he's about to blow Nationals wide open.
OTHER SPONSOR: He is getting some pretty good PR.
BAX: Didn't goldilocks give Summer a surf lesson?
JADE: Yeah, I kinda feel bad for Wren I mean there all on each other this summer
*I say as he puts his arm around me*
BAX: She'll get over it
JADE: I know it's just it shouldn't be something she has to 'get over' I mean if there really still into each other, they need to tell her the truth.
BAX: I'm sure the truth will come out soon.
JADE: Yeah...
*Poppy looks over at us and smiles and makes a kissy face and I laugh and roll my eyes*
BAX: So... how are you feeling about your heat? I mean you must be stressed.
JADE: Im not.
BAX: Even though you and your sister will be shipped back to the States if you lose? I mean i'd be stressed.
JADE: Ok well i'll be fine, i'm a great surfer
*I say smiling at him*
BAX: Yeah, but your first heat is literally impossible. I mean, my younger sister, that freak from WA... At least let me loan you a decent board.
JADE: I don't accept gifts from questionable men.
*I say smiling at him*
BAX: Come on, don't be an anti-baxxer.
JADE: Hilarious.
*I give him a quick kiss and walk off to watch Poppy*
ANNOUNCER: Has to be said, Tetanui seems
distracted out there. Wasting time on average waves.
JADE: You got this Pops!
ANNOUNCER: And forced to bail out as that wave peters out. She'll need more than that as blue attacks the face, looking to extend her big lead.
*The siren blares*
ANNOUNCER: The shredder from Coffs wins the heat.
*I walk up to Poppy who is walking out of the ocean*
JADE: I'm so sorry Pops
POPPY: Its okay, Jade it's not your fault.
*We hug and Manu walks over and grabs her board as she crouches down and covers her face*
MANU: Hey. Shake it off. We'll go over the tape later, alright? Debrief.
*She walks over to Marlon clearly upset who is playing his mini ukulele thing (😭)*
POPPY: You know, it wasn't fair, you dumping all that stuff on me earlier. You distracted me when I really needed to focus.
MARLON: Or maybe you lost 'cause you were trying too hard to focus.
POPPY: That makes no sense.
MARLON: You know what makes sense, Poppy? (he says some shit idk what he says)
POPPY: I don't know what you just said.
MARLON: I said you're amazing. And I'm pretty cool too.
ANNOUNCER: Sun is shining again...
*Poppy walks off*
ANNOUNCER: we get into the final few opening heats. There's a big field of young competitors to get through. Just goes to show the amazing depth of talent in the junior ranks these days.
*Bodhi stares at Tuscany while waxing her board*
ELO: Cute girl, but i'd be careful around that one.
*I roll my eyes as I'm waxing my board next to Bodhi*
WREN: Elo, she doesn't need to hear that now.
BODHI: Hear what?
WREN: Uh...We were pretty tight back in Queensland when we were on the team together - Tuscany and me.
ELO: Until I heard her talking about Wren behind her back, and it was really nasty stuff.
WREN: Yeah, and when I confronted her about it, she just cut me off.
*Tuscany looks over at Bodhi, me, Wren, & Elo*
WREN: We went from talking every day to pretty much...nothing. Just like that. Look, Bodes, I just don't want you to get hurt like I did, okay?
ELO: And she's a tricky competitor too. So just ignore whatever she's doing out there, and stick to your strategy.
*Bodhi looks back over at Tuscany as she's talking to this random*
ELO: Yeah?
*The sirens blares and everyone starts cheering*
ANNOUNCER: Bray making a statement here. Already two scores over a seven, and here she goes again!
*I stand next to Summer under the pop up tent*
JADE: Look, Sum, I'm sorry for being such a bitch I mean, I was in the wrong.
SUMMER: It's all good, you can date whoever you want Jade.
*I smile at her and we hug*
JADE: Come on, Bodes!
SUMMER: You got this Bodhi!
ANNOUNCER: Bodhi Mercer has shown potential this season, but a finals berth would really put her in the conversation.
*She sits on her board and waits for a wave as she slides her hands under the water and then Tuscany paddles next to her and sits up and just looks at Bodhi*
word count: 1222

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