team bonding (pt2)

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BODHI: Shes not my girlfriend. We're just messaging.
POPPY: Her names Tuscany.
*Bodhi shows us a picture*
BODHI: Shes this amazing surfer from Queensland. She DM-ed me.
JADE: They've never even met in real life.
POPPY: Yeah, the suspense is killing me.
SUMMER: Yeah, she's hot. I just- I have one question. What was wrong with me?
BODHI: Where do I start?
*Everyone laughs and Poppy takes a drink of her beer. A second later Summer's favorite song comes on and she drags all of us to the dancing area and we start to dance. Someone gets twirled and drops the statue thing and Summer runs to get it*
JADE: Summer- no, no, no, no. Let me get it don't worry just have fun!
*I take the statue out of her hand and start to walk inside but pick another statue up on my way*
GIRL: Sorry!
JADE: It's fine!
*I walk inside and hear laughing from me and Summer's moms room so I walk in and put 2 cups inside each other and set the statue down to see Bax and a ginger in my moms bathroom with her against the wall and there in nothing but their swimsuits kissing*
JADE: Hey can you guys not read?
BAXTER: Well sometimes I choose not to. You wanna, uh.... come join us? We're very inclusive, right?
GIRL: Your serious?
BAXTER: A little
*She walks past me*
GIRL: Good luck.
BAXTER: No come back.
*He says without a care in the world and grabs the robe on the counter*
JADE: That's my moms.
BAXTER: Yeah, we'll, she's got good style. Unlike whoever owns this place.
JADE: You need to follow your girlfriend.
BAXTER: No, I prefer to let 'em fly. You know?
JADE: Uh no- I don't?
BAXTER: Besides, she's a bit of a vacuum pasher. The whole kinda-
*He says mocking the way she kisses*
JADE: Hey, watch it! Poor girl. Rumors like that spread fast around here.
BAX: Like you being forced to go here for a year because Summer almost burnt down y'all's fancy school and then begging to go back, right?
JADE: Weird story, i'm aware but you burnt down the Boardriders after Nationals last year so I think we're even.
BAX: Damn. News travels.
*We both laugh*
JADE: So it's true?
BAX: Relax, I left my matches at home. I'm just here to meet new people. Bax.
*He puts his hand out for me to shake and I do*
JADE: Well meet them in the pool, not my moms bathroom. And loose the robe
*I tug on it making him come closer and he smiles but then I push it back and walk out smiling. I walk back outside and see Wren and Ari slow dancing to a love song and I see Summer looking jealous so I skip it to an upbeat song and Poppy walks over*
POPPY: Thank you. I was literally about to fall asleep.
*I laugh and she walks inside the house but I stay outside and go to where Summer is*
JADE: Hey Sum-Sum!
SUMMER: Ay! What took you so long?
JADE: Sorry I got caught up talking to someone.
SUMMER: Oh okay. We're still gonna talk later right?
JADE: Yeah, of course.
*A little while later I see Marlon so I walk over but as I'm walking Griff spills his drink 'on accident' on his shirt and Marlon gives him an angry 'fuck you' smile as I continue to walk*
JADE: Hey Marlon. I didn't think you were gonna show?
MARLON: Yeah, late decision.
JADE: Oh okay, I need to talk to Bodes so, talk to you later
*He nods and I walk off*
*I see Poppy dancing in the middle of the porch area (😭) and she looks so good. She's dancing with a couple of people but some I've never seen before so I start to walk until Griff "accidentally" spills his drink all over my shirt and then Jade walks over, she's leaves pretty quickly though and I look back where Poppy was but she's not there so I start to follow Griff inside but Ari comes from behind a bush tree thing*
ARI: Mate, it's not worth it.
*He pushes Ari a little but keeps walking while Ari is walking backwards in front of him*
MARLON: Easy for you to say.
ARI: I know, I know! But you go deck Griff you won't even be sub anymore.
*Marlon stops walking and so does Ari*
MARLON: What did you say?
ARI: You deck Griff, you're off the team.
MARLON: What if he decks me?

*I walk over to where Bodhi is as she's talking to Summer who's not by the grill anymore*
JADE: Hey girls
BODHI: Hey, not drunk anymore?
JADE: Nope, wore off a little while ago.
SUMMER: Ay Jade, can we talk now?
JADE: Oh yeah! Sure
*Me and Summer walk to a more quiet place (THIS ONE OF SUMMER & JADE MIGTHT BE A LITTLE LONG!)
JADE: What's up Sum Sum?
SUMMER: What did I lie about?
JADE: Do we have to do this right now?
SUMMER: Yup, you said we could so here we are Jade.
JADE: Are you trying to start a fucking argument?
SUMMER: I'm just trying to know what I lied about.
JADE: You and Bax broke up. I just don't understand why you didn't tell me Sum, I mean ever since we got here you've been keeping secrets.?
SUMMER: It's none of your business, plus there is a reason why we broke up.
JADE: Yeah, because you both liked someone else.
SUMMER: Ever since we started dating, you and him have been flirty still. I know he likes you Jade that's the main reason.
*I scoff and look away with an angry smile and look back at her*
JADE: Your saying i'm flirting with your ex?
SUMMER: I didn't say that
JADE: You did though, Summer?!
*I raise my voice which causes people to look but at this point, I don't care*
JADE: Every time something goes wrong in your life you blame me!
SUMMER: Because every time something happens it's your fucking fault Jade
JADE: Um that's funny because I had nothing to do with what fucking happened?!? You know what, whatever, you made me come over here so you could start problems.
*I walk away from her and everyone looks at each other and continues to party*
word count: 1075

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