second day of nationals (pt2)

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ARI: Summer, Jade, don't.
ELO: Okay, Jade. You wanna join him on the bench?
JADE: I think me and Summer'd rather quit surfing forever than win anything for you so.
POPPY: Jade, just chill.
JADE: Poppy. Remember the purge paper? Elo purposely left ours on the sand, she set it all up.
POPPY: What?
SUMMER: And she did the same thing to Tuscany a year ago. The bonfire, the stray paper, everything.
BODHI: Wren, you said Tuscany bullied you.
WREN: She did. She wrote horrible things about me.
JADE: Yeah. Because you made her life hell.
SUMMER: And this is what Elo does. She turns us all against each other just to get us fired up in the water. Poppy and Bodhi, Bax and Ari, Me, Jade, and Wren...
WREN: Bodes, I don't know what she's talking about.
BAX: Yes, you do. You both do. Could we just be honest for once?
ELO: All of you, listen up. When I took this job, you were the team that could barely beat Tasmania. You might not like my methods, but here we are. We're in reach of the trophy. Obviously, you needed to hear some harsh truths.
JADE: Harsh truths? Yeah? Well, if you're really about the truth, tell Bax what you did.
BAX: What is she talking about, Elo?
JADE: Bax, Team Queensland never dropped you. They fired Elo for her garbage methods and Wren for bullying.
ELO: They did not fire me. They forced me to resign. And it was one complain from Tuscany's parents.
JADE: And she stayed quiet and blamed you for the move to Shorehaven.
SUMMER: And this sweetheart good girl knew about it.
*Elo turns over to face Bax*
ELO: Bax, I was just trying to keep our family together. Your career depends on my reputationS
BAX: Your reputation?
*Ari stands up and walks to the motel and Wren jogs after him*
WREN: Ari!
*Bax takes the lanyard off*
BAX: Goldy's got the right idea.
*He hands his lanyard to Elo and goes to the changing room and I rip mine off and toss it at Elo and run after Bax*
COMMENTATOR: This is a 10-minute warning for the next heat, the Girls' individual.
ELO: Alright, Summer you're up, Poppy go get Marlon.
SUMMER: In case you missed it, you're not our coach anymore.
BODHI: I'm with Summer.
POPPY: I'm with Bodhi.
GRIFF: I'm with Poppy.
AHMED: I'm with Griff.
*I walk into the changing room and hear loud bangs but I see Bax sitting on the bench*
BAX: Poor bugger lost his heat.
*I sit down next to Bax*
JADE: Bax, I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you last night, but Wren threatened me and said I was gonna be benched and I wanted to surf so bad-
BAX: Jade, it's fine. You're better off without us anyway. It was a mistake coming to Shorehaven.
JADE: What? No! No, it wasn't a mistake, Bax. You can't leave. You made one dumb mistake and Elo's been making you pay for it since. You're not your sisters, babe.
BAX: No, I think I'm worse. I'm completely gullible. Ever since we got down here, it's Baxter this, Baxter that. Like, I'm ruining her life? And this whole time it was just her bruised ego that's just... I'm just so stupid. How did I not see... It was there!
JADE: Babe, your not stupid for trusting your family. We're supposed to protect the people we love. Like we protect each other.

WREN: Stop, Ari! You can't just walk away! Summer and Jade are full of it. Ari! I can explain everything!
*Ari hears everything mumbled and walks into the room and sits down with his back facing Wren and holds onto the bottom bunks bed frame thing*
WREN: Ari! Just talk to me! Please! We can work this out! Oh, wait. Oh, my God, is it...
ARI: Yep.
WREN: of those panic attacks? Okay, um... Uh... Look, Elo, she shouldn't have spoken to you like that. But she just does it to make us better, okay? I mean, what happened in Queensland was just... It was completely unfair. Ari, are you okay? Um... Uh... Obviously, um... um... I'm not perfect. Well, we've both done things we regret, right? And now, Ari, we can be honest with each other, okay? It's gonna be good. We're gonna surf the world together... And everything's gonna...
ARI: Wren, I'm not in love with you.
WREN: What? No. Ari. You don't mean that.
*Ari turns around and faces Wren and lets go of the frame*
ARI: I'm sorry. I can't be with you anymore.

*He climbs the tree and tries to reach for Poppy's goat but he can't reach it and he tries again but he drops it and it breaks*
*He picks up the pieces*

COMMENTATOR: What a nail biter of a heat! The girls are absolutely sending it today. But more heartbreak for Team Victoria as Poppy Tetanui and Bodhi Mercer are eliminated.
*Summer runs over to them*
SUMMER: So sorry, guys.
BODHI: It's not the end of the world.
SUMMER: It kind of is. I think Bax left. Probably Wren too. We're doomed.
BODHI: Well you can sub in, we have Griff and Tommy. It's not nothing.
POPPY: Wait, did you say Baxter left?
*Marlon starts trying to glue the goat together and Poopy comes running to where Marlon is*
POPPY: Marz, Baxter bailed! We need you!
*She stops and looks at what he is doing and sees him trying to glue the goat together*
POPPY: Is that my goat?
MARLON: I'm so sorry. It broke. I'm trying to glue it back together. But... This is all my fault.
POPPY: No, it's not.
*Poppy sits next to him on the bench swing thing*
POPPY: Sorry for being a brat to you at the party.
MARLON: No... You had a lot going on.
POPPY: Remember after the paddle out for Mum, we took her back to Aotearoa for her burial? I came back. And I surfed a comp, like, straight after.
MARLON: Yeah, you ripped.
POPPY: But, Marz, I never stopped. I just had to make sure she didn't die for nothing. But even after all this hard work, I'm still so far behind. And I'm just so tired.
*She says starting to cry*
POPPY: I just... I just need a break.
*Marlon rubs her back and Poppy lays her head on his shoulder*

*He takes off his lanyard and sets it on the table and looks at the trophy's and grabs his phone and calls Abbie and Thommo*
THOMMO: Hey, mate. How'd you go?
ARI: Yeah, not great.
ABBIE: He knows, love. He's been watching the live feed all day.
THOMMO: Sorry, mate, looks like the waves didn't come your way.
word count: 1151

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