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Chapter 4

Tina sat up inhaling sharply she looked around the Sun was high in the sky she looked at the clock on her nightstand table 10:00 a.m.?! Then she remembered it was Saturday and she was off. Her sharp in Hell morphed into a relieved exhale she slipped back down in the bed wearing the dress she had on the night before with no shoes she looked around her bone was gone. Tina turned to her nightstand grabbing her purse when she opened it his phone number was inside she grabbed her cell phone calling the number. Good morning he said happy she called oh my gosh how did I get here?

I'm so embarrassed. Over what Tina? I got so hammered you had to carry me home? Don't look at it that way look at it as though you had the time of your life and I was supposed to bring you home that's all that happened nothing more you never need to be embarrassed around me okay? Okay what are you doing Harpo oh just finishing up some unfinished business I had from yesterday. Oh okay Tina wanted to push the issue and ask him more questions about being free but she knew it wasn't ladylike and didn't if he wanted to see her again he would ask. I know it may be too soon but would you like to go out tonight for a cup of coffee? How about I cook for you do you have a favorite type of food you like specifically Harpo? I sure don't whatever you cook is fine with me but I got to say I do fancy chicken.

I'll make us some dinner tonight did you want to stop by me say 7:00? Seven is perfect oh, I put the flowers and some water for you before I left. I didn't want to pry looking for a vase so I just lay them in a pot of cold water. Thank you I will use them for the table dressing tonight. Great I'll see you at 7 Tina and this time I will not be late. Hehehe I'm not holding 4 minutes against you Harpo trust me see you then.

Tina sat up stretching smiling at the night she had with Harpo. The flowers were in a pot air kitchen perfectly arranged as though he bought it that way from the store who was this man? And why did he want to be with her Tina saw it. It was time she stopped thinking that way why wouldn't he want to be with a girl like her? Smart, sweet, understanding and all the things a man would look for in a wife.

Tina giggled to herself running cold water over the Florals wife? Girl you need to slow down it was just one date she said to herself allowed giggling happily as she displayed the flowers in the middle of her kitchen table.

Her phone rang she looked down at it rolling her eyes it was her friend Francis she hated talking to Francis she was always overshadowing her with her news. It did not matter what Tina had to say Francis always had something better.

Hello Francis. Hi Tina how was your Valentine's Day day? Oh before you start Tina I had a great time with Derek we went to that new place over on 3rd you know La Casa? Yes Francis I've heard of the place. I'm sure you have the wait time to get a reservation is out of this world but because Derek knows the chef personally we were able to get a table on the busiest night of the year for couples.

How was the food Francis? The food was great it was Italian cuisine on the other half of the menu it was spanish cuisine you could do combo plates or you can order individual entrees it's up to you. The cheapest plate on the menu was $100. It doesn't matter to me that a plate is $100 Francis what matters is if the food is good.

I've been to places where the food was $100 a plate and it was horrible then I've been to places where the food was $5 a plate it was the most delicious food I've ever tasted in my life.

I guess you're right about that Tina but it's the whole ambiance of it you know? There were five couples that got engaged last night I was praying Derek popped the question but he didn't. Aren't you putting the cart before the horse Francis? You've only been dating Derek 5 months.

Five months is a long time Tina but you wouldn't know that I mean you haven't been on a date since we were in high school. Times have changed people are getting married much sooner and faster than they used to FYI Tina. Time changing doesn't have anything to do with common sense. I mean I know there are whirlwind relationships and romances but five months I don't know Francis?

Well if Derek asked me to marry him I would in a New York minute I mean he has everything I'm looking for in a man he's rich, smart, handsome, talented and has a six-figure salary what else could a girl ask for? His salary will give me the chance to quit my job and pursue my dreams as a writer that's all I've ever wanted to do Tina you know that.

I know Francis but you don't need to marry Derek in order to do it you can do it on your own you do know that don't you?

Yeah Tina I do but why would I spend my own money when I can easily spend someone else's? Hehehe I mean if life is going to give me the easier road to take that I'm going to definitely take it everybody doesn't want to walk the hard road like you walk just to say they did it on their own Tina.

Anyway how did you fair last night Tina after work what did you dom..go home?

Well actually--

Of course you stayed home you didn't have a date you don't have anyone well I got to run Tina but I'll call you right after I finish this silly behind appointment I got to do for my boss okay? Yeah I'll call you back cause I have some errands I need to run today and I'll be out a little late Francis is that okay?

Well actually I'm going out again with Derek tonight we may have a night in he doesn't like me on my phone when he has taken the time out to be with me. What I'll do is call you tomorrow okay? That's fine Francis I'll wait for your call goodbye.

Tina put her landline down rolling her eyes she prepared her house cleaning it sweeping it getting it together there wasn't much to do there then she dressed went to the supermarket got the groceries and came back to the house beginning to cook dinner for her and Harpo it was going to be a nice night so she prepared the patio for an outdoor dinner. She set the table perfectly and waited for him to arrive to serve the meal that she created for him. Tina as usual put on her light makeup and a little bit more lip gloss than yesterday using a pedal paint color instead of a mall which brought out the blush in her cheeks. Everything was ready the champagne was chilled so was the picture of cucumber water all that was missing was horrible.

Tina dimmed the lights open up the double patio doors and let the candles around her apartment leading to the patio everything looks perfect he was all she was waiting for.

💕Cupid The Love Series Book 1 Of 3 Poc Eguptian & Greek God's Fantasy Romance ©Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz