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Chapter 8

Cupid was fast asleep it was 7:00 a.m. Tina could not believe her eyes she sat there staring in his eyes as he slept. She went in her pantry, remembering she used to babysit children. There were some sippy cups in there from when she did. She washed a cup for Pienu sealing it with apple juice.

Pienu slept on the bed between her and Cupid. He sat up yawning and stretching just like a baby. His wings stretched wide, tickling her sides making her laugh. He stood on the bed dancing, shaking his booty making her laugh more. She finger picked his hair, pulling little feathers out of it that fell from his wings. Tina gave him the sippy cup he looked at it surprised sipping from it, and loving what he was drinking. He flew to the air above her, sitting on a shelf above her television set looking down at her and Cupid who was sleep.

Tina opened her arms and pie flew down off the shelf into them. He sat on her lap pointing at the TV she turned the TV on and kept turning stations with everyone he would shake his head no. When she passed the porno channel, he shook his head yes she looked at him shaking her head no making him laugh. That must be the grown man inside of you huh? She smiled staring in the eyes of a baby who sipped on his cup looking in another direction.

They both decided on the morning news both shook their heads yes staring at the TV as Cupid turned over wrapping himself in her blanket. Tina looked under the blanket, gasping for air making the cherub laugh covering his mouth so as not to wait Cupid.

He has wings she whispered to Pienu? The baby stretched his arms wide, big ones? Tina asked Whispering still as not to wake Cupid? The baby shook his head up and down yes looking at her. Why couldn't I see them when he was awake? The baby shrugged his shoulders, continuing to drink his juice looking at TV as though he had not seen one in years. If you want to know about my wings, you can ask me a groggy Cupid answered from under the blanket.

Tina slipped under the blanket putting it over her head because Cupid had it over his head. They're beautiful she whispered, wrapping her arm around his waist. The bottom side to his wings touching the top of her hand. Why couldn't I see them when you were awake? Because I hid them from your sight he said in a sleepy voice. So why aren't you hiding them now Cupid?

Because you were doubting yourself as to whether I was real or not this is your answer. Tina lay her head on top of his giggling no, I didn't the Cherub said it all. Cupid smiled you know God's can feel things humans can't including doubt.

Well, maybe just a little bit she teased holding her fingers 1 inch apart. It's Saturday what are we going to do today Cupid? It's up to you sweetie, wherever you want to go whatever you want to do. Cupid? Yes Tina? What book did Eros want and why? I'd rather not discuss that today Tina it is such a beautiful and warm day outside can we go and enjoy ourselves? I don't want to bog you down with my family matters not today sweetie please?

Cupid swept her wild hair out of her face okay. I know where we can go. Where Tina? A boat ride in Central Park. I always wanted to go but it was always for couples, and I felt off getting on a boat by myself. You see families like a mother a father and a baby or a girlfriend and a boyfriend or same gender couples.

I just felt off because I was always alone no child, and no partner. Now I have a partner to go with and the baby picking up pienu who was tapping his glass for a second cup of apple juice. What did you give him babe? Apple juice Cupid.

One more glass and that's it pienu picked up his fist shaking it at Cupid. Put that fist down pienu or you won't get anything. He put his tiny fist down staring like he wanted to hurt Cupid. Avert your eyes now cherub. Pienu started staring at TV ignoring Cupid. Why are you fighting with him Cupid?

Tina these cherubs are not what you think they are please let me handle them okay? Okay she said throwing up her hands staying in her lane. Good let's shower get dressed so we can get out of here agreed sweetie? Agreed I have some of my dad's old clothes in the closet if you need a change she offered. That would be great what does dad have to wear? Oh just some regular sweats nothing fancy. That will do babe. Good I'll get them ready and put them in the bathroom for you with a wash rag towel and fresh soap. I also have a clean toothbrush in there for you as well okay? Thank you honey I appreciate you Cupid stud stretching and yawning his wings were large and almost reached the walls when he outstretched them.

Tina inhaled covering her mouth it was one of the most beautiful things she ever seen can I touch them Cupid? Of course he said scratching his head groggily.

Tina reached up touching one of his wings it's so soft Cupid. Thank you he put them down as he stood bare chested not knowing how damn fine he looked in the glorious light of morning. Once he put them down she saw them no more.

Where did they go Cupid? Into my body there's a function I can put them inside of my skin or I can leave them out. Kind of like raising your arm and putting your arm back down that's the easiest way to explain it. What about the Cherubs? No they can't hide theirs baby. Too mad Pienu Tina kissed his head.

That's cool Cupid the bathroom is down the hall last on your left. Thank you Tina. Cupid went down the hall he opened the medicine cabinet waving his hand the book was inside the wall behind the cabinet and behind a sheet of cement.

Cupid lowered his eyes praying the time the book was allowed to be on this dimension. Eros did not find it.

💕Cupid The Love Series Book 1 Of 3 Poc Eguptian & Greek God's Fantasy Romance ©Where stories live. Discover now