Chapter 24.

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It was more than 3 hours now, she was getting more and more tired. She haven't took a bite nor drank any sip fearing that she would eat or drink some prohibited thing.

She sat on the couch leaning her head back. Her fever was increasing making her eyes to burn. She was even feeling dizzy.

With that a guy came and sat beside her. She tried to get up but he pulled her back holding her wrist.

She furiously yanked his hand and again got up to leave.

"Oh c'mon listen." He was again trying to grab her hand.

She kicked his feet with a force and went from there hurriedly. Alex was talking with few men, he was looking serious in his talk.

She hurriedly went to him and stood beside him.

"What's wrong?"

She shook her head.

"So Mrs Alex how many men have you shot till now?" One of the guy asked with a smirk.

"Huh, oh many I've lost count." She replied making Alex's eyes to widen and he looked at her in shock.

The guys were impressed by her.

"The Queen is choosen right." One of them commented.

Eira tapped on Alex's hand and he looked at her.

"Who is Queen?" She asked quietly.

He looked at her with amused expressions.

"The one beside me." He mumbled back.

She looked at his side but found a man.

"Where? no one is there."

"Infront of my eyes."

She was confused first but her eyes widen listening it.

"What does that mean? How can I be?"

"What do you think king's wife called?"

She was stunned.


"Didn't you said you shot uncountable men." He was amused by her.

"Shot? Oh no I was talking about the injection shots ya Allah I didn't meant that."

This made Alex to laugh but he immediately controlled it as he was surrounded by many, who are trying to find his weakness.

"Shall I clarify them?"

"No need of it." He replied with a chuckle.

"What if they think me as murderer. I haven't even killed a bird."

"Chill." He whispered near her ear and gently kissed it, she froze on her spot registering what just happened.

No one noticed them.

"Alex can we go back please." She whispered after the big half an hour of her life.

Most of them were looking at her making her feel uncomfortable.

"Are you fine?"

"I'm not comfortable here."

"Did someone.."

"No I'm just tired."

"Okay come."

She took a step but felt extremely dizzy. She shook her head a little and tried to maintain her vision but it was getting blurred.

She stumbled a little. Alex was infront of her so he didn't noticed her.

She was again stumbling a little but a pair of hands got wrapped around her. She tensed and immediately looked up. It was the same man who was looking at her from the first minute she entered.

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