Chapter 78.

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It was around 11 am and they were sleeping peacefully after offering their prayers and working out.

Eira opened her eyes only to shut it again, she snuggled up to the hard pillow beside her but immediately opened her eyes when the pillow tightened his grip around her.

She chuckled at her own silly thoughts thinking her husband was a pillow. She blinked her eyes a few more times to get the better view of the handsome laying by her side.

Their legs were mingled up with each other, his one hand was wrapped around her waist securely, nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck and the other hand was under her neck.

She started playing with his hair with a smile on her face.

She tried to loosen his steel grip from her waist only to get tighten it more. Before even trying she gave up.

He stirred a little in his sleep and was now face to face with her. She couldn't control herself than tracing all of his well sculptured features.

She first traced his eyes, eyebrows then his nose and gently caressed his beard and lastly got addicted to his lashes. She was curling his lashes with her index finger.

"Why do you have such pretty and long lashes?" She asked in a whisper.

"So that you can admire the way you are doing." He whispered back making her startled in his arms, the heat travelled to her cheeks turning her face into strawberries.

"You should not listen to someone's personal things." She mumbled and he chuckled making her feel butterflies by his morning voice. It was deep and husky which was tingling her body.

"Am I not your personal?" He asked tightening his hold on her waist.

"Maybe or maybe not."

He chuckled and opened his eyes only to meet with his honey.

Dark blue crashing with honey brown.

He smiled looking at her and again closed his eyes, as to stop himself from his not so innocent thoughts.

"Do you apply anything for it?" She was curious about his long thick lashes.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Were they always this thick?"

"I don't know."

"What?! You don't know?"

He laughed.

"No, I didn't observe."

She rolled her eyes shaking her head.

"So you don't observe much?" She asked with a smirk, thinking of testing him.

"No." His eyes were still closed.

"What colour are my eyes?" She asked with a smirk.

"Your eyes." He whispered and a beautiful smile spread across his face.

"Overall it's honey brown but there are shades and strokes of golden, dark brown, sand brown and around the pupil it has some strokes of black mixing with brown. In light or sun there will also be a slightest shade of red in between and around the corner of the iris there is a shade of greyish brown."

He described it as if it was his favourite answer and he was actually waiting for her to ask him.

She froze at her place, she thought the answer would be in some two, three words but he described it in a paragraph.

He opened his eyes to look at her and gazed in her eyes keenly.

"Yes, nothing is missed." He whispered to himself looking satisfied with his own answer.

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