Chapter 62.

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She was still clinging on him and he wasn't even complaining. They needed this, to feel each other's presence, to feel that they aren't dreaming anymore.

He pulled her on his lap and hugged her even tighter, she was snuggled up in his chest listening to his racing heart.

"I missed you so much love." He whispered fondling her back lovingly.

She just nodded unable to utter a word, she was now in the most safest place in this cruel world.

"If this is a dream I wanna stay in this forever." This time she mumbled and he smiled.

"Fortunately it isn't." He whispered back.

They again got silent and was in each other's embrace. He closed his eyes in relief mumbling millions of Alhamdulillah in his mind.

Who thought this day will again come in their life like a fairytale. Who can think of meeting their love after thinking they died.

At this moment the only thing matters to them was their presence, just mere presence was all they needed.

No conversation, no complaint, no questioning nothing. Just trying to feel that warmth which was lacking in their life from past 4 years.

Only Allah knows how many hours they sat like that just telling silently that what they are feeling is real and not to fear about the separation.

She slept in his embrace, the most safest and peaceful place to sleep.

No fear of getting beaten up, no fear of snatching her food, not any fear of leaking her actual identity, no humiliation, no cussing nothing just that little warmth and the lullaby of his heart.

He wasn't able to avert his gaze from his sleeping beauty, this moments were like getting heaven in this world.

Even after working all day he wasn't tired, he wasn't tired of holding her closer, he wasn't tired to stare at her, he wasn't tired to smile, he wasn't tired instead this was all he wanted and needed.

"Before I met you never knew that what it was to look at someone and smile for no reason." He whispered softly with a wide smile plastered on his face.

Those lust filled eyes of his, those desires of his heart everything was gone. The only thing which remained was purity, the complete purity of love and respect.

He can never think of taking advantage of the girl who was sleeping so peacefully in his arms without any fear of this world.

"I love you Eira." He whispered softly.

He carefully repositioned himself and rest his back at the bed head, and secured her in his arms.

He was just looking at her, he wanted to trace every features of hers, he wanted to feel all of that again but he knew it too well how light sleeper his love is.

Even though he was staring at her from past 3 hours he couldn't get tired of her, he can never get tired of her.

The admiration and love his eyes were reflecting while looking at her can melt down anyone.

He is completely whipped over her, he finally got the peace he was searching for from past 4 years.

He heard a faint voice calling upon prayer and his eyes widened in shock, he was looking at her all night and he still felt like it was not more than 20 minutes.

He chuckled shaking his head at his own behaviour then started reciting the four surah of Qul and blew upon her fearing of his own gaze on her.

He very carefully made her sleep on the bed and even after his care fullness she stirred a little making him smile.

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