01.01.: our very first show

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3rd person:

Danny walked back into the house with three of his daughters ok his arms as his mother walked down the stairs. "Lets go mom, your bags are in the cab. Meters running." He told her.

"The baby is sleeping like a baby." His mother said in a singsongy voice. She looked down at her three granddaughters and bent down. "Oh my angles!" She said as the girls ran up and hugged her tightly.

"Grandma!" All three repeated holding her close.

"I'm gonna miss you." The grandma said as Danny came over and pulled Stephanie out of the hug. As he pulled her away she reminded her that 'grandmas gotta go'.

He kept pulling the girls off of his mother and kept telling them how badly she needed to leave.

"Danny, I don't have to go home." His mother said making each of the girls cheer. "Mom this isn't how we rehearsed this last night. Lets take a little walk, okay? You know as well as I do" He said putting his arm around her and walking into the living room, each girl following close behind them.
"Mom it's time to go home. You've been taking care of us since Pamela died. I don't know how we would've made it through the past three months without you. But hey, dad needs you too. You remember dad, don't ya? Your husband. Kinda bald, glasses, wears his boxer shorts up around his neck. I've got everything under control, help is moving in today!" He explained to his mother.

"Well if you need me, I'm on the next plane." She told him with a hug.

"Bye grandma."
"Bye mom."

She once again feel to her knees and hugged the girls deeply who were pleading her not to go. Danny once again pulled them off and there grandmother left.

"Okay, are we gonna have fun or what?" Danny asked the three sad girls excitedly. "Hey, let's see some smiles! Everything is going to work out super great." He explained to the girls who slouched on the couch. "Your uncle Jesse'a moving in. My best friend Joeys moving in. And you know what? That means you two are gonna get to be roommates! Isn't that exciting?" Danny said to DJ and Stephanie.

"I can wear all DJs clothes!" Stephanie said excitedly.

"Do I have to share my room with her? Why can't Cherry share her room?" DJ asked.

"Because DJ, I'm the oldest and you have the biggest room in the house." Cherry told her.

"Honey, it's gonna be just like having a slumber party." Danny told DJ.

"Yeah with only one guest." DJ said back to him before Cherry spoke up again.

"Who never leaves." Cherry added.

"Hey hey! Look alive! Uncle Jesse's here!" A man with long black hair said as he stomped into the room with a helmet and guitar.

"Hey!" Each girl yelled excitedly as DJ and Stephanie ran up and hugged him.

"DJ how you doing? That tooth come in yet?" He asked her.


"That's okay, one less to brush." He replied waltzing into the living room tossing his helmet beside Cherry.

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