01.03. The first day of school

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Rachel and Shawn knocked on the Tanners door excitedly with there hands filled with bags. They were arguing over something about classes and who should have Cherry in there class. Danny opened the door and smiled at the two.

"Hi Rachel, Shawn. Cherrys just in her room. You two can go on up." Danny told them.

"Okay thank you Mr. Tanner." The two kids said running up the stairs into Cherrys room. They barged in and made Cherry jump in shock as the two flopped onto her bed.

"Hi?" She asked the two that started to pull out a bunch of school supplies from the two bags.

"Hey Cherry. We're here to set up for tomorrow. Yknow, first day of grade eight. Last year before high school? And its almost your 13th birthday so we've got to plan your party." Rachel said as she and Shawn both organized there binders.

"Yeah Lottie. It's not that complicated. Keep up." Shawn interjected with a playful eye roll, making Cherry throw a crumpled up price of paper at his head. "Also, what do you want for your birthday?"

"I don't know Shawnie, I'm fine with anything." Cherry said back while throwing her binder on the floor. Her two friends sighed at her typical answer.

Stephanie barged into Cherrys room without knocking and was about to speak until she saw Rachel. She glanced over to Shawn and her face lit up. Stephanie had a small crush on Shawn and everyone knew it. Shawn didn't mind much but he made it very clear that he only saw the young girl as a friend.

"Steph, what have I told you about knocking?" Cherry asked her little sister.

"I know you ask me to knock but right now I have a total emergency!" Stephanie complained.

"What's the matter Steph?" Shawn asked her.

"I have nothing to wear for school tomorrow! What if the whole class sees my outfit and go's "Stephane Tanner EWWWW!" Than what do I do?" She said back while sitting down on the floor.

"Steph, take a deep breath. It's gonna be fine. Your a cool girl, nobody's gonna go "EWWW" when they see you. I can promise you that people are going to be dying to be your friend." Shawn smiled to her softly and he sat down beside her.

"How would you know Shawn? You've never been made fun of. Everyone wants to be your friend." Stephanie sighed.

Shawn grinned at the ego inflate and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Well Steph, when you put it that way-" he started to chuckle and Rachel threw another crumpled up ball of paper at his head. He glared at her before speaking again. "Steph, listen to me, nobody is going to make fun of you. I can guarantee it. Please believe me."

"Okay, I guess. Thank you Shawn." She hugged him gently and ran out of the room.

"Oh Shawn, how could you cheat on Cherry with her own sister?" Rachel laughed gently making both Cherry and Shawn glare at her.

"God Rachel, give it a rest. You're just mad that you lost your dumb little bet with DJ." Shawn said as he threw the paper ball back at her head. Commenting on the bet that both DJ and Rachel had going on about if Cherry and Shawn would ever date before the age of 16. Rachel said they would, and DJ said that they wouldn't.

"Hey! There's still three years left until the dead line is up. I still can and will win." Rachel laughed back at him and she pulled out a note book and pen. "Okay, Cherry, birthday party planning time." She said with a smile and her best friend groaned.

"Get over it, it needs to get done." Shawn chimed in as he climbed onto the bed resting on his stomach.

"But-" Cherry started.

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