01.05 daddys home

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Cherry and DJ walked down the stairs into the living room, both wearing a nice outfit. DJ was holding Michelle and placed her into her bassinet while telling her to stay right there.

"Where's she gonna go? She's in baby jail" Cherry said while looking down at the baby.

From behind them, Joey coughed and came out of his alcove wearing a leafy shirt and flannel tie. "I'm ready for Stephanie's recital. Do you think the shirt and tie go?" He asked, clearly enthusiastic about his outfit.

"Well, I think the shirt and the tie should go." DJ told him without matching his enthusiasm.

Stephanie came dancing into the room, counting her steps. She had her hair in a tight bun, done by Cherry, and she was wearing her baby blue body suit with matching tutu as she perfected her dance.

"Stephanie, you've been rehearsing for three days straight. You're this close to ballerina burnout." Joey told her, following her foot work. She couldn't hear him with her headphones on.

Cherry, DJ, and Joey all called her name out while she continued to dance.

"I am not Stephanie." She complained as she took off her headphones. "I'm a swan who's about to kick the bucket." She informed the three, going into a pirouette and dropping to the ground gracefully.

"Oh god. There's a dead swan in the living room. Joey call for help!" Cherry said, while pretending to cry. Stephanie crawled onto her feet and walked over to stand beside DJ.

"Cherry... I'm alive. I was just acting."

Charlotte gasped. "No! Get out of town. Unbelievable!" She smiled as the doorknob rattled from outside.

"Uh-oh. That's daddy.  I don't want him to see me in my tutu until show time. Yikes!" Stephanie yelled while running into the kitchen. Cherry chuckled and stood back up, fixing her skirt.

"Sorry I'm late. I was editing my feature on great moments in bowling and I got held up when I couldn't find a second moment." Danny said while walking into the house. Cherry pinched DJs elbow gently, reminding her to ask their dad about shopping.

"Oh dad, after Stephanie's recital we hit the big sale at the fashion mart. Everything is half off." DJ nodded.

"Of course that doesn't save me any money because you'll just buy twice as much stuff, right?" He asked.

"I like your attitude dad." Cherry nodded, earning a chuckle from Danny as Jesse walked down the stairs, very dressed up.

"It's Saturday afternoon I'm all dressed up, and where am I going? A munchkin ballet." Jesse complained.

"Hot outfit, help Joey." Cherry told him while walking out of the way into the kitchen with DJ.

Jesse made a quick remark about joeys outfit while Danny opened the door after the bell rang. A pretty woman with olive skin and a beige outfit stood behind it. The woman ran into Jesse's arms and kissed him deeply. Jesse made introductions and as he exited the living room, Joey explained to Danny how much he envied Jesse's life, which did confuse Danny. Danny grabbed Michelle and tried to convince her to say Dada.

"Hello? Really? The station wants me to cover the game of the week?! That's great!" Danny exclaimed while talking in the phone. As he said this, the girls walked into the living room and looked at him sadly. "Um...no, that's not great. Look, my little girl is having her first ballet recital. Any chance Stanford and UCLA could delay the kickoff you know like three, four hours? Hey, I took a shot. Alright. Yeah, I'll be there." Danny said back while hanging up.

"You're gonna miss my recital?" Stephanie asked, clearly heartbroken.

"I'm really sorry honey. I feel terrible."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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