Chapter 2

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Before she could react and get out of the car, to see what the hell she had hit, she was surprised by a face in the window that made her jump scared, and even cursed out loud. If there was one thing Clarke hated, it was being surprised that way. She put a hand to her chest feeling her heart beating fast, while her eyes connected with very light greens that watched her from the outside as if she were a rare specimen in a laboratory. By the way, it was the most beautiful female face she had ever seen in her life, and she was immediately alarmed by the possibility that what she had hit was the woman.

Leaving her fascination aside, with somewhat trembling and clumsy hands, she pressed the button to lower the window.

"Oh, for God's sake! Are you okay? Forgive me, I couldn't control the vehicle and..."

"I'm fine, but you don't seem to be." The woman said in a particular way, with a slight smile on her side that caused certain immediate feelings in the worried agent.

Clarke watched her almost enchanted, not only by the beautiful features of the model's face she possessed, but her intense and so clear eyes, and the whitest skin she had ever seen, she could even compare it to porcelain. The mysterious woman did'nt seem injured, or even affected by the downpour that was falling over her. Her hair was soaked, and the drops rolled down her face slowly, but her enigmatic smile didn't disappear. Neither did the intensity of her daring gaze do it, which, without further ado, first landed on Clarke's half-open mouth and then descended down her neck, while her eyes seemed to shine a little more, and she would even swear that they expressed a strong desire.

The agent felt somewhat intimidated, and at the same time, excited. She couldn't believe the sensations she experienced in her being caused by the gaze of a complete stranger. It was something she had never felt before, for anyone. On more than one occasion she had been attracted to a beautiful woman, but it wasn't the same as what was happening to her with this one in particular. She couldn't describe or explain it either, it was like gravity.

She was absorbed by all the unexpected situation, unable to get out of the spell of those clear eyes that even seemed to speak to her in silence. When, suddenly, she was distracted by the presence of the tip of the tongue wetting the woman's thick lips, running through them very slowly, as if she tasted them. Although Clarke could say, as if she wanted to taste her, which caused an immediate shock to her body, making her blink a couple of times and swallow the saliva accumulated in her mouth, with some difficulty.

Everything that happened that night was so, so strange that her mind couldn't understand anything, and she wondered if at that stop she had made she had fallen asleep and was having the craziest dream of her life. She closed her eyes with a lot of effort and when she opened them, the pretty brunette was still there. She also noticed that the woman had taken a step back, moving away from the car, although without losing that special way of looking at her and the slight smirk on her face.

"No, you're not dreaming..."

Clarke heard a whisper in her ear that made her shudder, it was the woman's voice, but her lips had not moved. How was it possible? Was she really in the middle of a dream she couldn't wake up from?

"Don't be scared, I won't hurt you..." the woman said again in her ear, making the small hairs in her arms stand up.

Clarke closed her eyes again and shook her head trying to return to reality, because there were only two possibilities, either she was losing her mind imagining that the woman was talking to her without moving her lips, or it was all just a crazy dream. But in any case, she told herself to act calmly and as normally as possible.

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