Chapter 7

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At the end of her conversation with Anya, Lexa heard the flutter of a bird and knew that Raven was reaching her meeting point. When she did, after making her presence known before her eyes, screaming and moving her suspended wings in the same place, the crow went down to the ground and Raven returned to her human form.

"Fuck! I didn't remember that I was going to shit myself in this cold..." Raven expressed, rubbing her arms after the transformation, while her naked human body shivered completely.

Lexa smiled at the sheriff's crude comment, very common of her, and without wasting time, she took off her long leather jacket and threw it at her to cover the naked and well-formed human anatomy. A body that Lexa, in secret, had always admired, since Raven possessed a very athletic, muscular and somewhat tempting, sexually speaking. Likewise, it never attracted her to the point of insinuating some more intimate encounters, even if they were without sentimental commitments. In addition, she knew that Raven was in a relationship with that shapeshifter, or four-legged pet, called, Scooby, or, in his human form, officer Kyle Wick. The truth is that she never understood that rare relationship between a crow and a domestic dog, but anyway, Lexa told herself that it was not her business, nor her interest, even to ask about it. The only thing that united her to Raven Reyes was simple and long lasting pure friendship.

"Thank you, Lexa. Hey, this jacket is so good, where...?" Raven said after putting it on, feeling how nice the leather coat garment felt on her trembling body.

"You're going to return it to me as soon as we finish, and without feathers, thank you."

"Yeah, just tell me, what do you want, Lexa?"

"You know, I don't need to tell you. And why didn't you tell me that you were going to contact the FBI? You know that attention doesn't suit us, we have enough with those damn crimes, that you and your people haven't..."

"Don't start complaining or criticizing me. I have done everything possible to find out who is behind those deaths. And let me tell you, although you have assured me that it has not been your people, those marks are vampire fangs, so tell me how you explain that and the fact that they were drain of blood to me? And yes, I decided to contact the FBI so that they can find out soon who it is, so the attention in this town ends."

"I have already told you and I repeat it to you, it has not been my people, and I have consulted with other clan leaders nearby and they don't know any member who has come to this area. If he/she's a vampire, he/she's not from here or from the country."

"Anyway, Lexa, a vampire or a demented person who thinks he is one, I'm very sure that Clarke will discover it very soon, she is one of the best agents when it comes to serial killers. But I imagine it's not what you want to know..."

"Don't play with me, Raven, I don't have time, so tell me what I want to know."

"I haven't been able to study her yet, but I'm not going to deny that she has something special. Something that she herself doesn't know, and that she is very powerful inside. My grandmother Clara would have to see her to determine what she is exactly."

"Well, take her to see her, I need you to find out what she is, because the damn wolves are very interested in her. And it catches my attention, because I have not perceived that she is an undeveloped Lycan, in addition, she is too old for her not to develop yet. But she has a strange attraction and connection with those dogs that I completely dislike."

"And why don't you ask your old friend, fucking Roan?"

"Don't joke with me, Raven. You know well that Roan is not my friend, we only understand each other as the leaders that we are, and we both want this peace treaty to continue, it means our existence, nothing more. Besides, I don't think he wants to tell me why he's interested in that mortal. That's why you need to find out as soon as possible, I feel that something is going on, and I don't like it. If Roan is planning something behind my back, I need to know or I assure you that this whole damn place is going to suffer the consequences."

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