Chapter 6

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The crow landed on Raven's kitchen window, as she finished preparing dinner. When she saw him, she was grateful that Clarke was taking a shower. She immediately knew what it was about and who had sent the messenger. She had been sure that sooner or later Lexa would contact her, to talk about the peculiar mortal who was staying in her house and who would solve the murders. It was the same for her, as soon as she met the federal agent in person, in Niylah cafeteria's, Raven perceived something very special in Clarke. As if something inside her was brewing, although it has not yet been revealed to even the woman herself.

Raven looked straight into the eyes of her fellow friend, and after giving him a piece of meat, she replied to Lexa that they could meet in that secret place, where they used to do it when they needed to talk, in the forest, under a huge jacaranda tree, after the agent left her house.


In the early hours of the afternoon, after Clarke finished examining the bodies of the victims, they had gone to look for her car at the Arcadia cafeteria, and was taken to the town mechanic, Jacapo Sinclair. After checking it for about ten minutes, Raven's sympathetic uncle assured her that the car didn't have any mechanical damage. Which left the agent somewhat confused and without any logical explanation for what had happened to her the night of her arrival in Polis. The man couldn't give her an answer to it either, but he asked her, if it happened again, to return to inspect it in more thorough, although it would take him at least a day or two.

Then, while Sinclair fixed the big dent on the vehicle, in just over an hour, Clarke and Raven along with the mechanic's wife, enjoyed a delicious homemade hot chocolate and some small cakes, baked by Eloise, the sheriff's aunt, in the cozy living room of the house. Much of the talk took place between Raven and her aunt, catching up on the town latest gossip and also the family.

Clarke was introduced to the Sinclairs as the federal agent who would investigate the murder case. On the way to her uncles' house, Raven had assured her that she could fully trust their discretion. But at that point, Clarke had already given up on pretending to be a journalist or being the unknown distant cousin of the sheriff who was visiting. It's just that if she added how many people knew about her true identity in that small town, then she was sure that the gossip would run as fast as the wind blew. Likewise, Raven told her to trust her people and encouraged her to go ahead with her plan.


Later, already at Raven's house, after dinner, she and Clarke enjoyed a coffee, sitting on the comfortable hammock sofa that the sheriff had on the porch of the house. Despite the cold of the autumn night, with a good blanket and the warmth of the steaming good coffee, they shared a pleasant conversation, not so much about the case, but about life.

Clarke felt confident to tell Raven about her recent and frustrated relationship with her colleague, Finn Collins. Of her silly slowness in realizing what several had warned her, about how womanizing and egocentric he was. And that she couldn't shake that feeling of having been a complete idiot and blind for too long. That was due to the fact that she had really had strong feelings for him, and that she become use to the idea that the rumours were just that, the product of people envious of their supposedly good relationship. But when reality gave her a couple of slaps and woke her up from the stupid spell, she needed to accept that she was with a real piece of shit, that he only thought of himself, and without wasting more time she put an end to the toxic relationship.

Immediately Raven downplay the matter by saying that she was not the first, nor would she be the last woman a little blind by feelings, since it is known, and it is very normal, that when you love someone it is difficult to keep your eyes open or listen to good advice. She also confessed that she herself had a similar experience several years ago. That after ending that complicated and toxic relationship, over time she realized that her nature was to live in solitude, since she felt more comfortable that way. And that when she wanted a little company she knew where to find it, but always without commitments or feelings that could affect her.

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