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The long posse points to a new island. Previously undiscovered. It was a spring island, (Y/n)'s least favorite island due to all the allergies.

Nami: It's uncharted.
(Y/n): It looks springish...
Chopper: Then you better pack your Bendaryl.
Nami: Don't forget your Zyrtec.
Chopper: See? She remembers your medicines! Why can't you?
(Y/n): She's supposed to be my girlfriend, not my mom.

And so The Thousand Sunny lands on the beach, dropping anchor. Luffy is the first to jump off and land.

Luffy: WOOOOAAAHHH... I wonder what crazy animals we can find to cook!
(Y/n): Do you ever stop thinking about meat?
Luffy: Nope.
*He runs off*
(Y/n): Why do I even bother?
Nami: At this point, you're just going to have to get used to it.
(Y/n): Right. Our captain's an idiot... but a strong idiot.
Nami: That he is. Anyways, since this is an uncharted island, I'm bringing along my equipment.
(Y/n): Gonna chart it?
Nami: Yup. Wanna come?
(Y/n): You know I will, hon.
Chopper: Don't forget your meds!
(Y/n): ... *breathes out*

And So, (Y/n) and Nami went out to explore the new uncharted territory of the island. So far, it was typical of spring islands, with basic oak trees, medium-sized grass, and neutral temperature. Nothing weird yet. But (Y/n) came prepared for any sort of danger. He has a double pump shotgun with sea prism stone bullets that can be infused with armament haki.

(Y/n): Made them myself.
Nami: You're so smart, and you use that intelligence to make bullets?
(Y/n): Special bullets! In case we come across a giant spider or something.
Nami: Or a giant crab.
(Y/n): So, your dream is to chart a map of the whole world. That includes uncharted islands, right?
Nami: Yeah.
(Y/n): So uh, how does one chart a giant island. Like, do you just go the edge of a beach and draw?
Nami: No, no, you have to use special equipment. Here, I'll show you.

*They reach a hill point.*
Nami: This seems high enough. So, in order to get the most accurate measurements, you need to use this.
*points at a protractor*
(Y/n): A circle ruler.
Nami: it's called a protractor. From this height, it measures the distance, latitude, and longitude from the coastline across. We first need to know our coordinates, then recognize any key landmarks to know exactly where we stand. Then using...
*It was this point (Y/n) started to get confused with all the complicated navigational skills. He sucked at Math. But he didn't want to hurt his lover's feelings. So he pretended to understand*
(Y/n): Wow. You're very talented at this stuff!
Nami: I know. It took years of practice, but I think I can draw accurate maps at this point
(Y/n): Heh, you know what that makes you? A little bit... Nerdy
Nami: pfft, you're the nerd.
(Y/n): I'd say I'm more of a Geek.
Nami: What does that mean?
(Y/n): Kinda like a nerd, but more personality and doesn't annoy anyone by being a know it all... then again, when you explain your passion, it makes me want to listen to you all day.
Nami: aaaw, well, I'll gladly explain how this process works.
*She begins to use her navigational equipment to begin to chart the map*

Nami was able to successfully complete part of the map. But it's still halfway not done.

(Y/n): This island has been pretty boring. Thankfully, you're here to give me some sense of fun. Otherwise, I'd lose my sanity. You're having fun, right?
Nami: Yeah. I just don't get something. These landmarks are different than before. How did they change?
(Y/n): I got it! Continental drift!
Nami: No, that's now how continental drift works.
(Y/n): Oh.
Nami: Look, those rocks were positioned like this. Then they aren't. It the span of an hour they changed. But how?
(Y/n): Maybe someone moved them? Luffy might be fucking around somewhere.
Nami: You would think we would've heard or seen him then... what could possibly be doing this?
*as if the universe was ready to answer her question, the ground begins to shake. The rocks start to grow legs to reveal they are actually giant spiders!*
(Y/n): Oh shit. I was right!
Nami: Well, there's only one thing to do...
(Y/n): Bring out your climatac and summon Zeus to handle these?
Nami: Nope! Shoot them with your gun!
(Y/n): WHAT!? You have an emperor's power! These are giant rock spiders!
Rock Spider: SCREEE!!!
*The rock spider tries to stab (Y/n) with its sharp stoney legs. But (Y/n) moves quickly and gets Nami out of the way*
Nami: My hero!
Nami: I'm not playing damsel in distress. That's not how I roll. I'm simply encouraging you, as a man, to be protective of me, a defenseless and fragile girl.
Nami: Look out!

They both dodge the fierce swipe of the rock spider. (Y/n) quickly loads his gun and proceeds to fire several shots at the rock spiders. Although they blow off chunks of them, they are still moving and very pissed off.

(Y/n): Just pull out Zeus already!
Nami: Alright, fine! But not because you told me too!
(Y/n): I BET
*Nami gets out her climatac and summons Zeus. The weird cloud thing that Big Mom kept as a pet was also a source of power.*
Nami: Get ready for thunderous tempo!
*uses a powerful thunder blast that electrocuted all the rock spiders*
(Y/n): You did it!
Nami: I know I did.
*But then... they all brush it off, and they get back up*
Nami: What!?
(Y/n): Shit!
Rock Spider: Screee...
*They slowly start to approach the couple, even more angry than before!*
(Y/n): Get behind me. I'll protect you
Nami: No! You get behind me, I'll protect you!
(Y/n): Don't be silly! I'll protect you!
Nami: I'm my own woman okay!
*But then suddenly an even larger crab starts picking up the rock spiders with its claws.*
Giant Crab: Mmmmmm!
*and eats them!*
Nami: ... giant...
(Y/n): Mm hm.
*The rock spiders try to get away, but the giant crab picks them all up one by one in rapid succession.*
Giant Crab: Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum Yum.
*it starts walking away*
(Y/n): Did it see us?
Nami: No, it was almost 100 feet tall, we're like ants at that point.
(Y/n): Phew. Well, I guess that problem solved itself... hehehe
Nami: Hehehe.
(Y/n): Ha! Hahaa!
Nami: Hahahaha!
(Y/n): I can't believe that actually happened!
Nami: I can. Reminds me of this giant crab from Alabasta. Although that one was smaller than THAT one.
(Y/n): You can tell me all about it, as we finish up.
*(Y/n) grabs her hand*
Nami: Yeah. Let's finish the map. And get the hell out of here.
(Y/n): Sounds good. I love you.
Nami: I love you too.
*They walk together to complete the map.*

After they charted the whole map, (Y/n) and Nami noticed the sunset as they walked on the beach. Taking a moment to look at it as they cuddle together. They might go stargazing soon enough. They definitely earned it after surviving some terrifying animals.

Nami X Male Reader: Short Stories and One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now