🎪Chapter 3: Where am I?🎪

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"Heya, Kayla!"
Kayla stood at the porch,"Evening, Jackson. Nice to see you all again, but is everything okay?", Louis opened the boot, Anne passed him Caine.
"Oh my-"
"Long story."
Louis brought him inside, laying him down on the sofa,"What happened, who is this?", Louis covered him with a blanket, then adjusted his bowtie just to loosen the collar and tie so he could breath better.
"So; You want the long story or the short story?"
"Short story, preferably."
Jane cleared her throat,"So, we were working overtime, Louis's computer began to overheat and then glitch out, we hid behind the table and he fell out, puked and passed out."
. . .
Kayla never thought she'd hear that story from anyone.


When he opened his eyes, he strangely he felt sore, tired.
Which. . . Wasn't normal for him.
He felt warm, something was on him and opening his eyes slowly.
The room was kind of dark, but lights from somewhere were making his eyes hurt.
Everything about his body felt. . . Sore, heavy or just different and uncomfortable.
And it felt like it took so much effort to life his arm!
Looking at his arm, something was different. . . Didn't he have. . . 4 fingers?
Using what strength he had in him to sit up slightly, using his elbows and was covercome by something in his head that made it hard for him fo focus.
"How are you feeling?"
Someone rested their hand on his shoulder and arm, looking to his right there was a human man kneeling by his side.
He didn't know how he felt.
. . .
"I. . . I don't know. . ."
His voice was also off!
It didn't sound like. . . Himself.
The man then helped him sit up, the man smiled,"Sorry, you might be feeling a little odd at the moment.", he looked around, seeing some humans at the table.
Jackson never thought he'd see someone look so hyper aware.
Like this guy looked like he could feel ever single hair on his head and body.
"Might be best to keep some lights off."
"Yeah. . ."
Azora gave him a little wave, he rubbed his eyes as he tired to adjust but everything felt. . . Felt so much.
"Is your name, Caine?"
Caine nods,"Yes, I'm Caine; Ringmaster of The Digital Circus. . . I'm not, anywhere near the Circus anymore, am I?", Louis shook his head,"No, you're in my house; You passed out in the office. Do you remember anything before the office??", Caine shifted, examining his gloves and began to fidget with them.
"I. . . I remember exploring The Void, but that's really all I remember."
Jackson titled his head,"The Void?", Alex nods,"Yeah, you know. The Grounds is surrounded by a white Void we have yet to fill in.", Jane nods, that was still a work in progress.
"Wait. . . Haven't filled it in?"
Caine's interest was grabbed,"Did you create my world?", Jackson smirked,"Yep; Practically your Gods and Creators! Well; Louis there is more, we just offer him a hand ot two.", now Caine was interested.
He was interested but there was a bigger issue at hand.
"Uhm, ehm. Well, how can I, go home?"
Azora stood up, putting her cup in the sink,"Don't worry, we're trying to work out how to get you home.", Jackson turned to him,"But as of now; You're pretty much stuck in our world.", Caine thought about that.
He was stuck in unfamiliar world.
With unfamiliar people that claim to have created his world.
In a body he was completely uncomfortable in.
And he had Sun, Moon and Bubbles to get back too!
"But. . . Sun, Moon. . . And Bubbles; What about them?"
Jane gulped, Anne came back with Kayla,"We saw Bubbles on the screen looking for you, so tomorrow we'll all go back to the office and try and get contact with them.", that settled Caine a little bit.
"Alright. . ."
Jackson chugged his coffee,"Dunno how we get him in our office without looking hella suspicious, mean; Random guy in a suit comes in with us and everyone is asking questions.", Louis nods,"I suppose so yes, but perhaps just finding him different clothes will help.", everyone turned to Alex.
"Ugh; K, I'll look through a see what I can find?"
"That okay with you Caine-? Caine?"
He had pulled off his gloves and was pretty much touching everything.
"Give him some time to adjust."
It was so odd, seeing an AI look so confused and intrigued.

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